I was setting some uv's when i found a
hole in the mesh, probably the range for merging the vertex in symmetry mode wasn't right.
Since i already set some uv in the rest of the model before detecting this problem, welding it simply wont work. When i try it in poly mode, the whole uv goes blank. I'm using 3ds max by the way.
Any ideas for solving a hole in the mesh and still keep most of the work on the Uv's?
Did you collapse the stack on your mesh before merging the vertices ?
When symmetry creates garbage i select the unwanted verts and hit backspace to get rid of them, the UV's do not get destroyed. Then i'll grab the other verts and weld/collapse to get rid of holes. You could check the "preserve uv" box if you want to target weld verts and whatnot.
Psyk0: Yep, collapsing the stack i gain control of the vertex editing. This "preserve uv" option only works with target weld?