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Dissertation Help

Hey all, so I will be starting my dissertation in September but before then we need to have our ideas preferably all nailed down and decided on, I'm almost there I just need a bit more refining I think if people don't mind.

So at the moment I'm thinking along the lines of an investigation into next gen character development, looking into techniques/pipelines that are being used for characters for the upcoming PS4 and Xbox. Also look at how that differs from what was done for the PS3 and Xbox360.

From this I'll go on and follow these pipelines to create my own "next gen" character using the same techniques and evaluate

Basically what do you guys think so far, do you have any suggestions or ideas as to what more could be done research or practical side of it.


  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Define next gen fully here before you start. People wrongly use "Next gen" to refer to current gen technology. Or do you mean the likes of the U4 samaritan/infiltrator demo? That's technically next generation media.

    So go, define next gen with poly counts, maps and everything else you believe your definition needs.

    As for the type of project, it's a very generic area to research. Get interviews from artists, research technology and applications that help speed up pipelines. Move it away from such a simple methodology project.

    Hope that helps!
  • Ben_Roberts
    I know it's a typical topic but I'm using it so I can make some characters for my portfolio, after all that's what gets us the jobs in the first place.

    By next gen I mean the upcoming PS4 + Xbox, so looking into the pipelines, techniques, technologies used to create characters for the next generation of consoles, so things like the poly counts, maps etc is something I'd look into, and see whether it's changed much from what was set for the current gen consoles.
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