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Hero Gun

polycounter lvl 7
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gokulpanchal polycounter lvl 7
Hi, I recently worked on this personal portfolio piece which I would like to share with you. Please feel free to leave your valuable replies...



  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Looks cool! I dig the design of it.

    Few things:

    The gold color on the handle, the receiver, and the guard above the hammer all look like they are different hues. I think it breaks up the cohesion a bit....I would make those similar colors.

    The scratched metal on the main barrel is very strong and very scratched up. really doesn't fit with the rest of the weapon...way too many scratches. Also, whats up with the vertical lines going across the whole thing?

    Your polygon density is pretty inconsistent. the main barrel has noticeable faceting, yet the 2 smaller barrels underneath have much more polygons. Also, your screws are super dense.
  • gokulpanchal
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    gokulpanchal polycounter lvl 7
    As Far as the Guard above the hammer goes. It was intentional. Ii more of a copper look
    than gold. I don't know whats wrong with the image quality. It has somehow just intensified the scratches a lot. Even some of the colors looking weird. And yes I did realized the polygon issue after I was done texturing. I would like you to see the gun images on my blog (gokulpanchal.tumblr.com) because I feel the colors and scratches looks much accurate on that. After you pointed out I realized that I should take care of the scratches on the front barrel...
  • DWalker
    The texture is very noisy, especially the wood and the darker metal. The wood grain is very dense, and the effects on the metal should be far more subtle. Some should be moved out of the diffuse map and into the normal map, while others should be moved into the specular map.

    Take a look at photos of actual weapons - especially those of a similar style and period. Notice that the metal appears almost smooth.
  • gokulpanchal
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    gokulpanchal polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the valuable suggestion. I will definitely look into it and work on that and re-post the images. Also for some reason the images I uploaded in this thread are looking a bit weird and burned out. I would like you to see the same images on my blog which is gokulpanchal.tumblr.com.
  • KartoonHead
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    KartoonHead polycounter lvl 4
    Not every edge needs a scratch brush dragged along it :p

    You also need to mention that this isn't your design, and that it's actually by Jeremy Love. I'm sure you'd be annoyed if someone modelled from your design sketch and was then receiving compliments on how well designed it is ;)

    I also made a wep from this concept. It's interesting to see how you interpreted the little motif on the side, I went with some kinda goat skull thingamy. Check it out here http://martdon.weebly.com/pistol.html might be helpful.

    EDIT: just noticed that you credited Jeremy Love at the bottom of the image, so ignore what I said about that :poly136:
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