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Script: Align Verticies

This is my very first script and I wanted to share it on here. Hopefully I can get some feedback.

There might still be some bugs, and some of the code might be able to be optimized further, but again, this is my first script so I don't know all the commands. And maybe someone did this already, or there is some special way to do this in max. That's ok, it was a learning experience for me.

Basically I find that sometimes I want to align a set of verticies (like on the mirror of a model) to a specific value, but manually doing this in max is tedious, and it you select a bunch of verticies and enter a value manually in max, it will just average the positions.

So this could be useful if you wanted more precision.

Anyway here is a screen of the interface:


rollout VertexAlign "Vertex Align" width:136 height:160 --Code by Francois Stelluti - www,francoisstelluti.com
	local FirstV, FirstSel, VertPos
	local obj = $
	button btn1 "First Vertex" pos:[11,9] width:108 height:32
	radioButtons rdo2 "Select Align Axis" pos:[24,48] width:97 height:30 labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") columns:3 default: 0
	button btn2 "Align Verticies" pos:[16,88] width:104 height:56

	on btn1 pressed do
		if (obj.selectedVerts.count != 0) then
			FirstSel = obj.selectedVerts[1].index
			FirstV = polyop.getVert obj FirstSel
			messagebox "No Verticies are selected" --Make sure a vertex is selected
	on rdo2 changed state do --get position of initial vert in selected axis
		if (rdo2.state == 1) then 
			Vertpos = FirstV[1]
		else if (rdo2.state == 2) then
			Vertpos = FirstV[2]
		else if (rdo2.state == 3) then
			Vertpos = FirstV[3]
	on btn2 pressed do
	local vertSel 
	if (rdo2.state == 0) then
			messagebox "An align axis must be selected"
	vertSel = obj.selectedVerts
	for i in 1 to (vertSel.count) do -- number of selected verts
		local vert1

		if (vertSel[i].index != undefined) and (vertSel[i].index != FirstSel) do (
			if (rdo2.state == 3) then (
				vert1 = polyop.getVert obj vertSel[i].index -- get position of next vert
				a=polyop.setVert obj vertSel[i].index [vert1[1],vert1[2],Vertpos] --set position of next vert 
			else if (rdo2.state == 2) then (
				vert1 = polyop.getVert obj vertSel[i].index -- get position of next vert
				a=polyop.setVert obj vertSel[i].index [vert1[1],Vertpos,vert1[3]] --set position of next vert 
			else if (rdo2.state == 1) then (
				vert1 = polyop.getVert obj vertSel[i].index -- get position of next vert
				a=polyop.setVert obj vertSel[i].index [Vertpos,vert1[2],vert1[3]] --set position of next vert 
createDialog VertexAlign 136	160

Usage: Select one vertex as the basis (what you want everything to align to) and click 'first vertex'. Then select the align axis and then select all the verts you want to alien, and click align verticies!

If anyone has any suggestions or improvements please let me know!


  • C86G
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    C86G greentooth
    Umm, isn´t there already the exact same function in max?


    Works great. Selecting verts and clicking an axis.

    Or am I missing something?
  • swag
    Yeah, but again, it averages them out. Of course you could use the built in align you mentioned then manually enter the value to move them and it would work.

    Whatever, it was a learning experience.
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    i am bvy no means a coder, but do you really need to "refresh" the script everytime the radiobutton is changed?
    wouldnt it be enough to check which state is activated in the "on btn2 pressed [...]" section?

    its minor, but a design choice which could take a lot longer in a more heavy script...
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Pretty cool man! I get excited when people try to learn MaxScript.

    Lots of little things I would change, but the biggest one is just doing less in the
    loop. Try to figure out what can live outside the loop.

    I change a few things, then a little more, but this is how I would have created it. For 2000 verts I was able to speed it up about 150 milliseconds.
    rollout VertexAlign "Vertex Align" width:136 height:160 --Code by Francois Stelluti - www,francoisstelluti.com
    	local FirstV
    	local obj = undefined
    	local pGetVert = polyop.getVert
    	local pSetVert = polyop.setVert
    	button btn1 "First Vertex" pos:[11,9] width:108 height:32
    	radioButtons rdo2 "Select Align Axis" pos:[24,48] width:97 height:30 labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") columns:3 default:1
    	button btn2 "Align Verticies" pos:[16,88] width:104 height:56
    	fn getObj =
    		if selection.count == 1 then obj = selection[1] else undefined
    	on btn1 pressed do
    		if getObj() != undefined do
    			vertSel = obj.selectedVerts
    			if (vertSel.count != 0) then
    				FirstV = pGetVert obj (vertSel[1].index)
    				format "No Verticies are selected.\m" --Make sure a vertex is selected
    	on btn2 pressed do
    		t = timeStamp()
    		if getObj() != undefined and FirstV != undefined do with undo "Align Vertices" on
    			local vertSel
    			local vert1
    			local targetPos
    			local vIndex
    			vertSel = obj.selectedVerts
    			vertSelCount = vertSel.count
    			rdoState = rdo2.state
    			for i in 1 to vertSelCount do -- number of selected verts
    				vIndex = vertSel[i].index
    				if (vIndex != undefined) do
    					vert1 = pGetVert obj vIndex -- get position of next vert
    					case rdoState of
    						(1):vert1.x = FirstV.x
    						(2):vert1.y = FirstV.y
    						(3):vert1.z = FirstV.z
    					pSetVert obj vIndex vert1 --set position of next vert 
    		format "%\n" (timeStamp()-t)
    createDialog VertexAlign 136 160
  • swag
    xXm0RpH3usXx: Yeah you are right, but it looks like monster already dealt with that :) Thanks for pointing that out though.

    monster: Wow, thanks a lot for taking the time to rework my code! Yeah I knew it wasn't efficient, but my goal was just to make it work. Again, I am new to maxscript.

    I'll have a closer look at it tomorrow.

    And in case anyone is wondering, I was doing some modeling today and ran across a situation where this script helped me. The traditional align functions mentioned above wouldn't have been as good (because it isn't relative to a specific vertex).
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Got it down to 1 millisecond! In the first pass above I was thinking how to optimize the loop, but then I wanted to get rid of the loop.

    Thanks for being open to suggestions. If you ever have MaxScript questions you can message me.
    rollout VertexAlign "Vertex Align" width:136 height:160 --Code by Francois Stelluti - www,francoisstelluti.com
    	local FirstV
    	local obj = undefined
    	local pGetVert = polyop.getVert
    	button btn1 "First Vertex" pos:[11,9] width:108 height:32
    	radioButtons rdo2 "Select Align Axis" pos:[24,48] width:97 height:30 labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") columns:3 default:1
    	button btn2 "Align Verticies" pos:[16,88] width:104 height:56
    	fn getObj =
    		if selection.count == 1 then obj = selection[1] else undefined
    	fn getoffset x y =
    		d = y-x
    		if x > y then
    			if d > 0 then d else -d
    			if d > 0 then -d else d
    	on btn1 pressed do
    		if getObj() != undefined do
    			vertSel = obj.selectedVerts
    			if (vertSel.count != 0) then
    				FirstV = pGetVert obj (vertSel[1].index)
    				format "No Verticies are selected.\m" --Make sure a vertex is selected
    	on btn2 pressed do
    		t = timeStamp()
    		if getObj() != undefined and FirstV != undefined do with undo "Align Vertices" on with redraw off
    			local vertSel,vert1,n,offset
    			local rdoState = rdo2.state
    			vertSel = obj.selectedVerts
    			--Get the intended plane axis
    			case rdoState of
    				(1):n = [1,0,0]
    				(2):n = [0,1,0]
    				(3):n = [0,0,1]
    			--Flatten the verts to the plane
    			polyop.moveVertsToPlane obj vertSel n 0.0
    			--The verts were averaged, get the average
    			vert1 = pGetVert obj vertSel[1].index
    			--Get the offset to the target location
    			case rdoState of
    				(1):offset = [(getoffset FirstV.x vert1.x),0,0]
    				(2):offset = [0,(getoffset FirstV.y vert1.y),0]
    				(3):offset = [0,0,(getoffset FirstV.z vert1.z)]
    			--Move the verts to the target location
    			polyop.moveVert obj vertSel offset
    		format "%\n" (timeStamp()-t)
    createDialog VertexAlign 136 160
  • swag
    Ok cool.

    Just a few questions about your code. If I don't select any verticies (btn1) i don't get an error message. You used the line "format "No Verticies are selected.\m"" but shouldn't there also be a messageBox to display the error?

    And why is 'redraw off' and 'undo "Align Vertices"' when pressing btn2?

    Thanks again.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Btn1 - I changed messageBox to format, because in my experience people don't like popups. Many of the built in tools in Max don't display pop ups. I think maybe a better way would be to have the buttons disabled until you have the proper selection. This is preference though.

    Btn2 - Redraw Off means the viewport won't redraw until the script is done. This helps the script run faster because the viewport doesn't update while the script runs. I'm pretty sure redraw is off when MaxScript does a for loop, that's why I didn't have it there before.

    Undo "Align Vertices" On will create a single undo operation for all the steps in the code it encases. If you notice in your original script if you move a vertex, use your tool, then undo; it undoes the tool operation and the move at the same time. The "Align Vertices" string puts a label in the undo list.
  • greyocto
    can someone help a maxscript newbie out?

    I've been trying to get a mashup of this align script and maiuu's weld to last on a hotkey with modkeys and I am stuck.
    macroScript flattentest2 category:"tools" toolTip:"flattentest2"
    function getModKey =
    	local resultData = #none
    	if ( (not keyboard.shiftPressed) and (not keyboard.controlPressed) and (not keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
    		resultData = #none
    	else if ( (keyboard.shiftPressed) and (not keyboard.controlPressed) and (not keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
    		resultData = #shift
    	else if ( (not keyboard.shiftPressed) and (keyboard.controlPressed) and (not keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
    		resultData = #ctrl
    	else if ( (not keyboard.shiftPressed) and (not keyboard.controlPressed) and (keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
    		resultData = #alt
    	else if ( (keyboard.shiftPressed) and (keyboard.controlPressed) and (not keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
    		resultData = #shiftctrl
    	else if ( (not keyboard.shiftPressed) and (keyboard.controlPressed) and (keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
    		resultData = #ctrlalt
    	else if ( (keyboard.shiftPressed) and (keyboard.controlPressed) and (keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
    		resultData = #shiftctrlalt
    	return resultData
    fn getObj =
    	if selection.count == 1 then obj = selection[1] else undefined --if selection count is one then obj= selected
    fn getoffset x y =
    		d = y-x
    		if x > y then
    			if d > 0 then d else -d
    			if d > 0 then -d else d
    if getObj() != undefined do with undo "Align Vertices" on with redraw off --if object is not undefined
    	nKey = getModKey() 
    	testModifier = classOf $
    			if testModifier == Editable_Poly then 
    						selectedVert = polyOp.getVertSelection obj as array
    			else if testModifier == PolyMeshObject do
    						selectedVert = obj.Edit_Poly.GetSelection #Vertex as array
    		max undo 
    	testModifier = classOf $
    			if testModifier == Editable_Poly then 
    						selectedVert2 = polyOp.getVertSelection obj as array
    						firstV= for i in selectedVert where finditem selectedVert2 i == 0 collect i
    						firstVXYZ = polyOp.getVert obj firstvert[1] 
    			else if testModifier == PolyMeshObject do
    						selectedVert2 = obj.Edit_Poly.GetSelection #Vertex as array
    						FirstV = for i in selectedVert where finditem selectedVert2 i == 0 collect i
    						FirstVXYZ = obj.GetVertex firstvert[1] 
    					print FirstV
    					print FirstVXYZ
    		max redo
    		vertSel = obj.selectedVerts  --selected vertlist
    			--Get the intended plane axis
    			case nkey of (
    					#none: n = [0,0,0]  
    					#shift: n = [1,0,0]  --x?
    					#ctrl:  n = [0,1,0]  --y?
    					#alt:   n = [0,0,1]  --z?
    			polyop.moveVertsToPlane obj vertSel n 0.0  --flatten  selection, vertlist, n=xy, orz 
    			vert1 = pGetVert obj vertSel[1].index --defines vert1 as average of vert
    			case nkey of (--offset based on average vs first vert
    					#none: offset = [0,0,0]  
    					#shift: offset = [(getoffset FirstV.x vert1.x),0,0]  -x?
    					#ctrl:  offset = [0,(getoffset FirstV.y vert1.y),0] --y?
    					#alt:   offset = [0,0,(getoffset FirstV.z vert1.z)] --z?
    			polyop.moveVert obj vertSel offset --move selcted vert selection by offset
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