this is the opposite of how these questions normally go. Usually someone has scale on the parent and is wondering why the child rotation is skewed, but this time I want that effect and it's not working the way I think it should in Unity.
Here's the setup: I have a wheel I want to skew at an angle the faster a vehicle is moving, something like this:
so, I have an empty gameobject in Unity which is scaled and rotated, and a wheel beneath it, with scale 1,1,1. in the editor, if I rotate the wheel in x it behaves as expected- it rotates but is skewed by its parents scale.
but if I make a script animate its X rotation, the scaled wheel rotates as if it has scale applied to itself rather than its parent.
here's a sample scene demonstrating what I mean- if you rotate the child in X, you'll see the desired effect:
can anyone think of a way to get this working in play mode though?
this has fixed it! I literally did this: transform.localScale = transform.localScale and the skew effect is up and running.
this does lead me to the question: why is that necessary? is unity doing some kind of optimisation somewhere under the hood? what else don't I know about :S