Hey everyone! this is my first post here, and this is my first ever scene

It is a remake of part of the 'Red Light District' Map from Duke Nukem 3D.
I still have serious work to do on the lighting and post processing. I have no idea where to start as far as improving this goes, I also have some more details to add.
Let me know what you think :poly142:

Keep going for your first scene ever you do good! Oh and keep us up to date.
The engine I'm using is UDK.
I'm going to be honest, and say the barrels and frame are shameless filler, so I will probably end up removing these anyway.
Anybody know of a good udk lighting tutorial?
More updated on this in the week, I was hoping to finish it this weekend, but got tied up in other things
And a fully in depth look about almost everything can be found at eat3d.