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Unity3d engine is so cool. I wanted to try a different web page than others with the power of unity3d. Only issue here is , it requests unity web player and you must wait for 5-10 secs max.
We are a small startup atm and working on a project. This web page shows what we are.
Don't forget to slap us! developers are working downstairs and you may slap them .. this would give some extra passion to us
you go on a machine press space. then pop! you start playing our unique version of pacman etc. who knows
Come and slap us time to time lol
Maybe have some sfx for the guys movement aswell?
Unity project will be loaded first. Then music will be loading behind, it will be completed while youre playing and start with a fade-in! brilliant actualy.
There is a Radio in the first room. If you smack it. TA-TAAA a music starts.
If you smack one more..BOOM its silent again..
or opposite