Hey guys,
I was recently contacted to freelance for a game studio in Florida - so here's the first of hopefully many.
I checked with my client and he's cool with me posting it online given I credit the work.
I was responsible for sculpting/modelling/texturing/rigging/animating/light & rendering this guy.
The skin's spec map could benefit from more work along with reworking the shorts, so I'll probably add an updated shot of him later.
Yeah, it sounds like they have a few more lined up; should be fun!
I'm starting to actually enjoy rigging, I've even weighted this guy's shoulder blades to move with his arms. heh
Video Link:
THAT is what I wanna see!
Haha nah, I twisted the torso at the end but I guess I could have done it more, I also forgot to show the fingers.
I'll add some set-driven keys to them later and re-upload another video with some more body deformation. :P
@ Bon - Do you mean the sculpt or the texture?
The client wants the blisters to be filled with some kind of luminous acid so I'll add a little glow to them before it's complete, hopefully that will resolve the problem. Cheers!
tldr call out the transition point between the boils and the skin, cause right now they just jump from one to the other with no visual warning
Otherwise looking pretty cool though, could maybe do a bit of a gradient pass on him to ground and focus him more. Right now his more normal leg is one of the brightest parts on him which is drawing visual focus away from his face chest and pus arm which is where you want it (the glow might help a bit, but you'll still want to tone down that leg to adjust the overall focal point on this guy)
Ive added more color to the skin, dirted up the pants. did some edge refining on the green blobs, and did some painting on the eyes to make it look less like makeup.
The high-poly looks great but you need to have a great diffuse map too complement that to. and as some other people has pointed out, do a zoom out of the character and darken up the parts thats not suposed to be in focus, you can look at what I did with the arms n hands in my paintover as an exemple.
Though I do think the mouth area needs more blending, just seems to somehow stand out as something separate now.
Rigging update: (Just for you, T.A
Thanks for all the feedback guys, I appreciate it!
@ Turista - Yeah, that's my real name. ;]
@ Xel - Thanks for the feedback and you're right, the transitions really stood out to me when you put it that way so hopefully they look a little better in the update.
I agree, I'd prefer if people focused on those areas so I'll get to making them pop a little more than the legs.
@ Lotet - Really digging the paintover, thanks for taking the time to do that.
I've been a little busy with rigging all day but I got some time to add in a few of the things you pointed out, hopefully it looks a little better now - I know I prefer it!
(I have some time on the weekend to spend painting the rest of it.)
@ Misc - Haha I'm glad, I was hoping it'd freak some people out. :P
Yeah I see what you mean about the teeth, I'll try painting them a little more towards Lotet's paintover - the yellow teeth look real nice/gross.
IK parent constraints and joint controls are now added, so it's time to start animating the handsome fella....after some sleep.
Here are some animations I made today.
Idle (48 frames):
Walk Cycle (24 frames):
Time to watch Kung-Fu Panda.
you should really work more on that one.
Yeah I agree. I wanted to add some kinda snarl and a look over his shoulder or something but I have a limited frame count.
I'll see if I can extend it and jump back onto that one after the others have been finished - If not I'll make his breathing a little heavier and give his posture more weight on his deformed side, maybe that'll look more appealing. Cheers!
Here's a death animation. (65 frames)
...I don't really like this one.
I think i'll make another where he drops to his knees and falls forward.
His feet kinda suck but I can't avoid it - I should have built foot roll joints into the rig but ah well, I'll do that on the next character.
they are all kickass though.
so whats ur frame limit? the idle should have atleast 100 frames in it, the one yo have now like like its 20-30 frames.
I'll ask if I can take it out - if not I'll just take it out for my own use.
I was told to keep them as low as possible but I've been making them longer and longer and nothing has been said about it.
I'll rework the idle after I finish the last two animations tomorrow and hopefully get something that looks cooler.
Thanks mate!
Left arm attack.
Right arm attack.
Render test. Each animation has 4 different lighting rigs, but i'll just post the one.
No idea why the thumbnail looks so bright.
Will probably work more on the spec map and idle animation before I call it a day on this guy.
im assuming the heavy arm would be a more powerful attack but slower, and the normal arm would be a low damage faster attack
You're right, I played them at the same speed and they're very similar - so I've made it slower.
Thanks for the feedback!
Here's an update:
you are very welcome
You're right, it looks much more powerful with the step into the punch.
Thanks for the feedback. ;P
Rendered some shots of this guy.
Don't wanna look at him anymore! Onto the next one.
Sorry for the late response, I suck.
IK89 - You're right, that would really help sell it. I still need to give his idle animation some more frames so I'll get to them over the weekend.
Turista - Render techniques?...what are those? lol I don't know much, I just ran around in Marmoset like a headless chicken until stuff started to look ok.
You should check it out, it's really simple to use.
Mole - Couldn't agree more, man. The trousers really bug me too and the dirt on his feet would be a sweet addition.
I'd like to add a gradient map to him at some point so I'll see if I can throw a bit more into the texturing over the weekend.
I've got 3 other things on right now so finding time is kinda hard, but I'll see what I can do and hopefully update him over the weekend.
Much love!