Hi all,
a few days ago I started my first attempt at a full game character, my aim is to have her done up to a decent quality in ZBrush, bake her out to a low poly with great topology for animation, pose her, and dump her in my portfolio.
To get to this point I've followed a tutorial on creating a low poly base from which to sculpt, which worked a treat. I've been learning a lot about anatomy, 'head' sizes for everything, which is to say that a week or so ago I had absolutely zero knowledge of these things, and now I have a rough idea. I've had lots of trouble finding good reference, there must be a better free solution for reference than google images? surely?
I made the base mesh in max and sculpted her in ZBrush. I'm going for a hardened military kinda look, I want her to be beaten up a bit, I want the final pose of the low-poly to be a splinter-cell-esque sneaking pose maybe holding a combat knife.
Anyway here are the pics of the high-poly so far, plus a pic of an attempt at polypainting her. Let me know what you think, I'm sure there are a load of anatomical issues you'll immediately tell me off for. Thanks in advance for crits, have at it!
NOTES: my system only supports 3.25GB of RAM and I can't afford to upgrade atm (I have exactly £12 in the bank), and this model is sitting at about 2.6million verts, any more subdividing just crashes the program with an insufficient memory error. She is divided into subtools head, eyes, body, vest1, vest2, shoes, combats, belt, belt buckle, belt loops, belt loop ring

i see you dynameshed the pants also, try and be careful with that. i see holes there that you can cover easily.
try this site. i dont use it much anymore but it did help me out a lot.
in addition, if you like i have about 100 HD anatomy images i can pass on to you if you are interested
best of luck.
that would be lovely of you :poly121:
of course of course.
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