I finally wrapped up my last scene, so here I am, late to the party as ever! I'm really really excited to get started on this.
For my scene I'll be creating a semi-steampunky laboratory where the assistant and maintainance robots have gone rogue and freed all the test subjects, and are all escaping though a ventilation duct. I'm rubbish at characters, so I plan on sticking to the robots, environment, and telltale pawprints. Style-wise, I'll be trying for something a bit on the painterly side- I'm still going to be doing the full normal/spec/etc. treatment, but since I don't see much painterly sci-fi stuff out there I thought it would be a fun thing to give a go.
I'll post up block-outs and such soon... I just wanted to get these up so I'm committed. Cheers!:)