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First Post: Departures

polycounter lvl 9
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mr grimm polycounter lvl 9
Well I've finally worked up the confidence to post some stuff I've been working on. This is a moderately low poly part of a level I made for class. I know it still needs work, but I probably wont touch it in a long time. If anyone could give any feedback or comments to help me improve it I'd really appreciate it.

It's supposed to be a Sci-Fi rail station. It was done in Max, Maya and Photoshop. The geometry is very simple, most of everything just texture work. It's actually a working level for capture the flag, the trams work. They'll kill you if they hit you head on. We had to have an asset of the same likes of game we wanted to reference from. So those of you who played BRINK, you'll know what I'm talking about.


You might have noticed the polycount shoutout there.


lighting only




As for the holographic advertisements, we just needed to have some. So i grabbed what I knew of the internet.

With the exception of the PS9 logo. :)


  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Got no real crits for ya, but this is looking nice.
  • mr grimm
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    mr grimm polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks man, I appreciate it.
  • Ex4000
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    Nice work, Only crit I have is the lines running through diagonally on the floor panels personally I just don't like the look of them probably OCD.
  • mr grimm
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    mr grimm polycounter lvl 9
    I did eventually fix those back in the day.  Got a good grade in my level design class.  thanks for the critiques everyone.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Flooring looks very impractical for moving people/rolling suitcases/wheelchairs, thus a ding on believability. It's a LOT of gray. I'd see about adding some sort of splash of color or focal point via lighting or signage. Everything has a uniform look to it in terms of the lighting, add interest with a single colored light, or having a few fixtures off or dimmer....Where is the lived in elements, this place looks brand new, but the texturing suggests it's had some wear. Go one way or the the other...clean or dirty it up more, add debris, trash, graffiti, or stains. No story exists at the moment. Are the trains in operation? Is the city under attack? Is there a political debate happening and there is signage for the two parties on signage and flags and banners littered on the floor showing a clashing of sides? Whatever...right now it's just a very vanilla space that doesn't really engage me.

    If it is a capture the flag map, I see no indication of "sides" of the map? Look at other CTF maps, there is distinct landmarks and visual features to aid on the player about their whereabouts. How do these missing elements inform the player on direction/sense of space/location/enemy direction?
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