Blackbird has finally released a teaser trailer of their first game - Hardware.
I've played the alpha, and it's got a whole lot of potential. Seen some more recent builds, and looks even better than when I played it.
What do you guys think?
This is another Homeworld game in spirit. They might try and say otherwise, and I'm sure they've covered their bases to not infringe the Homeworld IP, but I know Kharak, the Khar-Toba, the Great Desert, and Kushani names when I see 'em... like that Ta'amra location name...
I need to go to bed before I geek out too much to sleep. :poly142:
I'm a little confused since as Garage mentioned, alot of it still looks very close to Homeworld, at least in terms of Lore and Fluff, but is not it?
99$ for a beta invite, for a game that's going to be free2play, and for which there is ZERO gameplay footage or screenshots? That sounds...crazy/optimistic.
Sure, it includes a "prospectors guide"(pdf) some rights to name lands in the game for the first 2,000, forum access, concept art, etc. But 99$ is just too much. Sadly its been nearly a month since those went out and as of this writing only 373 people have bought into it. I hope they weren't counting on this VIP pre-sales to fund the production.
Played homeworld a lot back in the day.
will keep an eye on this like many other promising games in dev just now
I like it. They're obviously going to a very military / utilitarian form-follows-function aesthetic and all the vehicle designs so far have done that well.
The Baserunner has a lot of Humvee, MRAP, M113 and Mars rover DNA in it.
EDIT: I also have a hunch that in the full game, a lot of customization will be available on the vehicles, and we'll see field mods and mission-specific configs that really start to give vehicles specific character.
Lots of Peter Elson and the other classic Terran Trade Authority illustrators in there, too.
I want to make art for this game SO. BAD.
But i must say the enviro art is a little... shit?
I mean its just a heightmap with textures. The small sand dune texture is on a flat plane
Polycount challenge needed!
Also I agree with Muzz, with the exception being a few of those top-down shots which look like beautiful satellite photos.
It's just a bit perplexing. I mean we dreamed of a homeworld utilizing all the new art tech we have. Yet it looks pre homeworld 2. Stencil shadows, no sand built up on the wreck.
All the wreck pieces look super low poly, no small pieces of junk scattered around.
It really looks like they generate a height map and place the wreck down in it without any attempt to blend it in.
yeah. I also thought there would be more to do with being on or inside of a wreck too (thought it would make fantastic environments) but that's probably my imagination getting away from me.
Trust me, its addicting.
Also, this is not Homeworld, so expecting to be just like it (RTS in space) is expecting way too much.
need a mix of hw2 and 1 for mechanics they both had some nice things, example they fucked up squads in hw2, and taking over shit, but i liked how you could move motherships, and that you wernt boned if you didn't mine out the whole map before you switched missions.
seriously all of this wants me to try and re-imagine a homeworld scene for a environment project in udk or ce3
Yeah im a big fan of this kind of game specially if its played online i love the challenge to beat others.
@passerby: They used squadrons in hw2 because they tried to get rid of swarmers, at least the idea that to win a game you need to be a swarmer.
But yeah, the art is sweat as hell. Love the idea of a graveyard planet too, it's a great setting.
since in hw1 capital ships were easy to swarm, could be taken over really easily, and if they did get destroyed they were a huge boost to the economy of your opponent since they could be salvaged for res.
so hw2 made it harder to swarm, threw in hard caps on unit counts, and made your marine frigates/infiltrators fragile as hell, and take way too long to hijack things.
like the only way possible to hijack BC's and capital ships in hw2 was to more or less blow it's engines, and wipe out anything in range to defend it. since a cheap ass bomber made your take over useless.
I'm good with Homeworld on the ground. That is absolutely hunky-dory for me. Maybe I'm easily pleased, but I am bouncing all over the house with excitement over this.
Really can't wait to see some of the backstory behind the origins of the wrecks. It takes a lot of energy to pull a starship out of orbit and have it end up intact on a planetary surface, instead of a mile-wide glassy crater in the desert. Maybe this will also start to explain what created the Karos Graveyard (unofficially, of course... :poly121:)
I like the look of the setting and presentation we have seen it the past trailers but those recon drones aircraft or what have you could of been on a whole other level. The way they followed the terrain, its like jumping back to the mid 2000s.
That is kind of the one thing that bugged me. Even the aircraft in Total Annihilation did a little bit better, and that was 1997.
Just a little bob and weave altitude-wise, without being glued to the terrain so closely, and maybe a nice climbing turn over the waypoint instead of standing on their wingtip and hauling over in a 90-degree bat turn.
ohh, then there better be surprising and dynamic stuff to the environments. part of the best things in Dune II was stuff like worms attacking your harvester.
Looking forward to a cool story perhaps too
Yeah just subtle little touches such as those you mentioned can really add detail to the game. But we could be jumping the gun as this footage is likely to be alpha gameplay.
Oh that would be a treat wouldn't it. Environmental hazards such as sand storms, etc could really brings new levels of difficulty and gameplay mechanics. Hopefully they will be implemented.
Me too as the potential is there. Having little banter over the radio and what have you would be goo too.
I had a theory on this that I didn't really like: It's being developed for mobile devices. Check out the HUD in the trailer - it has a build number iirc, and looks legit, but something about it, and the menu button in the corner make me think "touch screen"
lo and behold:
But I mean I think it could be great with touchscreen controls, I just worry about playing it on PC on a huge monitor and it feeling upscaled and 'port' like.
NOPE. game is ruined
That being said a retail release would be a million times better.