So I've been working on making a modular wall panel, and I've gotten the model done. I then textured it and exported it to UDK, my textures work to some degree and look pretty decent to me (this is my first texture). But I'm having trouble getting the results I wanted. I want my wall to look very smooth and reflective, with the scratches, and textures being very faint. I've tried for hours to try and get the results I want to no avail. So I want to know what I should do to get the results I want. I'm already aware that reflectivity will have to be handled in my rendering program/UDK. But is there any advice or tips you guys can give me to help me out with this?
Normal Map



Original Base Texture

I almost forgot, here is what the textures look like in UDK.

also more variation in your specular, map, just think of how scratches and dirt effect specular, and adjust accordling.
also what kinda gloss or specular exponet values are you useing?
But I`m not completely convinced that's your biggest problem. First and foremost, it looks as if the only specular highlights showing up in your material, is coming from the sun.
It needs more reflection data coming from the scene around it, in order for you to convey a convincing metal.
Traditionally this reflection data is handled via a cube map which is a special kind of material parameter that stitches together 6 square images. The idea being that all 6 will come together for a representation of the surrounding world. These environment maps should be generated in udk. Admitedly I dont use UDK, but this should point you in the right dir. The idea being that you can generate these 6 textures by a single point defined in UDK. (remember to update your cube map occasionally as your scene changes so the reflections reflect those changes)
For more info on specular highlights, I cant recommend this link enough:
Also, the other issue you have is the Diffuse, it looks like it's made out of jeans, or dry wallpaper, and the Normal Maps 'lumpiness' is also shows the symptoms of bloated plaint on the wall.
Everything you have currently is exactly the opposite of 'reflective' wall, try keeping it simple and work form there.
Also, do you have examples you're aiming for? I mean is the wall coated with an extra layer of gloss to avoid scratching? Is it metal? Ceramic? Is it painted on? Different materials will damage different ways, some of them not showing any Diffuse information, other relying entirely on Specular information.