The first error can be solved by going in "Window - Settings/Preferences - Preferences" in the upcoming Window head to "Settings" and change the Time Dropbox under Working Units to NTSC 30fps. Kinda annoying since you have to do this every time.
The second one comes from an empty group, it looks like your cylinder is not in the group. Make sure to use the CryTools for this task.
The first error can be solved by going in "Window - Settings/Preferences - Preferences" in the upcoming Window head to "Settings" and change the Time Dropbox under Working Units to NTSC 30fps. Kinda annoying since you have to do this every time.
The second one comes from an empty group, it looks like your cylinder is not in the group. Make sure to use the CryTools for this task.
If you did, remember that you might have to enabled the module first in Maya in order to get it work. To do so, go to Window - Settings/Preferences - Plug-In Manager and check that the correct module is loaded. In your case it should be "MayaCryExport22012_64.mll"
The script behind the check mark button is the "check for degraded faces" script.
I can't tell what the last button does since i never used it before, but it spits out the same error for me. The annotation of it says "Crytek Control Panel" maybe it's some internal crytek stuff or it's a deprecated feature from earlier versions. You shouldn't mind it since the export works without it, at least it does for me.
alright then, thanks :poly121:,
I managed to get it to spit out a .cgf file called test.cgf and put it in a folder called customAssets, located in: C:\Users\Windows\games\CryEngine\Game\customAssts
but unlike UDK there is no import button in the material editor or asset browser, is there a specific folder these files need to be in?
I know that in Unity 3d you just drag and drop your files into a specific folder and your model will show up in the engine.
The second one comes from an empty group, it looks like your cylinder is not in the group. Make sure to use the CryTools for this task.
If all else fails, you can try Ruan's FBX Ex/Importer for the CE3.
// Error: Cannot find procedure "CryCP". //
I get an error when I try and use crytools.
// Error: Cannot find procedure "CryCP". //
Makesure you followed the steps on the CryDev Wiki.
If you did, remember that you might have to enabled the module first in Maya in order to get it work. To do so, go to Window - Settings/Preferences - Plug-In Manager and check that the correct module is loaded. In your case it should be "MayaCryExport22012_64.mll"
the cry tools button seems to work fine.
I can't tell what the last button does since i never used it before, but it spits out the same error for me. The annotation of it says "Crytek Control Panel" maybe it's some internal crytek stuff or it's a deprecated feature from earlier versions. You shouldn't mind it since the export works without it, at least it does for me.
I managed to get it to spit out a .cgf file called test.cgf and put it in a folder called customAssets, located in: C:\Users\Windows\games\CryEngine\Game\customAssts
but unlike UDK there is no import button in the material editor or asset browser, is there a specific folder these files need to be in?
I know that in Unity 3d you just drag and drop your files into a specific folder and your model will show up in the engine.
eg. X:\location-where-cryengine-is-isntalled\Game\Objects\folder-name-of-your-choice\assetname.cgf
The .mtl file will be stored in there too, so if you search your material file in the material editor it's located under Objects not Materials.
If you have the engine running while exporting, all you have to do is hit the Reload button in your Objects Tab and your assets should appear.