While i was looking at some Blizzard Allstars videos i saw universes where being combined in specific units, i really like this idea and after playing heart of the swarm i was in my "I want to model a spacemarine" mood anyway so i decided to try and mixup the pandarians from the warcraft universe with terran marine inspired armor and see where that takes me.
This is what i have so far, its still very rough but should show the idea
rough Concepts:

early blockout:

I think it's the eyes, but it's really Todd Mcfarlane-Spawn badassery, Subbing this!
Are you going to make only one model, or several Panda-ist versions of them models?
Ootrick:haha that probably because of the Spawnesque black around the eyes and the glowing eyes themselves
Ace_Angel: hahaha dem pendaberz tuk ur jurbz , i`m just going to make one model
Did some more blockout work today, not sure if i`m going to give him armor on the arms or maybe keep open parts