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Looking for Level Designer

I'm looking for a level designer to help me put together a city map for a post apocalyptic themed sandbox game. The game has elements of parkour in it, you can see how much based on my current TPC demo here:

(WSAD, space to interact with green highlighted objects and 1-6 to toggle weapons).


Here is a high level concept of the city, the intent here is to create natural boundaries and make it feel 'realistically' bounded instead of having invisible walls or fences you cannot pass over, etc... (see map concept overview at: http://logicwell.com/nightfall/map.gif). The current city layout is nice, but my feeling is that the concept artist ran out of interest about halfway down - so i need to do two things with it:

1. Reduce & detail the buildings to something reasonable both for player and myself, golden rule for my game is if it looks like you can interfact with it you can, period. NO weapon racks you cannot pull a shiney new mossberg from, NO invisible walls, or windows/doors that are non intractable, etc.. Anything like that which we want to block the player from will have a visible reason for it (collapsed entryway, boarded up, rubble, etc).

2. Make each section of the make recognizable and unique so it has a feel to it that allows the player different challenges and recognizable landmarks in each area. Then design closeups for each section from different angles (as required) so we can flesh out how the whole map is going to come together.

Ideally I'd like to work iteratively with someone on this, so we concept out a cleaned up overview and then get a modeller to proxy it out for us to get a feeling of magnitude and how things will work. Then back and forth until things are fleshed out and we can move on to detailed concepts and modelling.

If I had to describe how this game should look and feel, I'm thinking something like I Am Alive for general theme/feel, the gameplay will be more like Killing Floor w/parkour and stealth aspects. The game concept also includes the notion of building a "base" - i.e. there will be several buildings in the city which are in good enough condition to board up windows, build defences, setup generators, etc... so they can be used as a base of operations by the players. So for this reason, the game will have a salvage/build aspect to it as well.

So the goal here for this round is to take the existing concept as a direction and concept out a map in detail which will have all the final buildings, roads, fences, etc... scoped out form which we can model the city. We'll probably need to rework several areas to make it work as a good sandbox map, if not all of it.

I'd like to concept and design things out before delving into modelling out the environment etc.. but proxying and building things out may work too, the key here for me is finding a *skilled level designer with experience enough to guide me* in this and the interest in doing so.

This is a paid gig, I am open to offers - my budget should be reasonable for this task but this is a self funded indie/hobby project so bear that in mind.

Please contact me via skype (Lypheus) or email: chris at logicwell dot com.
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