We are currently working on a small towerdefense game with a couple of small rts elements.
The team:
-Hannes delbeke - (hannes d on PC)
-Wim Van Brussel - (mindschnapps on PC)
-Glen De Cauwsemacker (
The game is currently at a very early stage, but we want to get this as good as possible, so we are looking for feedback.
Some concepts:
Some early assets:
atm the game is to desaturated, needs to be more like in the concepart
editted the tile texture to match the overpaint/conceptart more
aplied more saturation on the textures of the red turret/ the orange rabbit/ the blue alarmclock (not in the screenshot above) still doubting if i should apply it
also did some sketches for UI
the plan atm is to :
show numbers above the enemies when they are hit (like borderlands) arcade feeling
pro: looks cool, you see that you are doing dmg, you also notice that upgraded towers do more dmg -> feels good
con : might become a mess, player doesn't need the info
lifebar above selected enemy
pro : no clutter
con (compared to all enemies with a hp bar) yo udon't know which one is almost dead on a glance
Since turrets can't target this doesn't matter a lot for the player
number above energy source
buildings provide energy over time
everytime they do, a small number floats above the building
pro: you see that you 'earned' soemthing -> reward feeling
con: might become a mess, player doesn't need the info
options for the UI:
you can place a building : choose between different buildings
sell a building
rotate a building when placing (optional? )
assign a worker (optional? )
turrets can lvl up, gain lvl (improved dmg)
pro: lvling is cool, player feels more attached to towers, will be harder to sell them
since yo ucant just upgrade them
you upgrade the turret
pro: more strategic options, resource maaging
we'll take the lvl up for now
turrets use energy over time
you need x energy to keep your grid activated
turrets use energy when they shoot/ are active
this is a hard choice, we are goign to use the consume enrgy over time one for now
there is a lot more stuff to cover but cant come up with it right now
here is some more UI testing
and ingame shader for fog
added energy in the game, turrets are only active when you have enough energy
you can disable enable turrets
added slow turret in the game
added selection texture that is animated
we added a worker in the game (he can cut trees, and mine coal for energy)
added the base (screenshot will follow soon)
ui paint
ingame screenshot
Keep it up!
we have been working a bit on everything, adding some mechanics as upgrading the turrets (wich will be in soon), enemy's dying make the tile "dirty" giving the enmemy's boosts (and having to clean that with the workers), and enemy's dropping little chests with unlocks/powerups.
tomorrow is basicly the deadline, we are entering this in the imaginecup, tomorrow are the local finals, and have been working on this outside of school, so if anyone has some last day feedback, shoot!
it would be cool to see the game in action if possible =D
Good luck with the first round!