I am making this machinegun for a fps project. I picked out the hk11 to work on at random. unfortunately it seems to be pretty obscure wich is interesting of course, but it's a pain to find good reference for it.

I'm still a bit confused about some things, like how the sights are fastened, what the little box thing on the right side of the barrel is for. Or if it could look better with a beta-mag instead of a drum one. And I am allso thinking of changing the sights design to something else.
there is of cause a lot of details to work on before I move on to the lowpoly.
@Colditz - Thank you. Yes I have taken a lot of liberty when interpreting the original model, and have had to piece a lot together from diffrent versions.
If you could share some of your references it would be very helpful thank you.
The lowpoly is still in need of some serious optimization. Currently reaching about 15000 polys. I am a bit afraid of removing geometry from the cylinders, like the barrel wich probably have a pretty excessive amount.
Also , current shooters go up to 11k and more, and we are 2013 now, nothing holds you to standards from a few years ago. The weapon is the most important mesh in your scene all the time. Dont be to greedy on polycount.
The box thing looks like a alu-cooler for a weakspot in design which gets too hot.
Well all current FPS have a first person model and a third person model.
Third is maybe 3k or something, dunno, and the first goes from 10k-12k i guess.
BF4 will proabably go up to 13-14k I think, and current COD has 12k probably, im not sure, nothing on the internet
about. I once read that UT3 weapons did go up to 11k in First person, but cant really imagine that. So no idea.
Its not like 2k polys more or less matter in your scene when its spent on the most important object.
But in the first person meshes, all the geometry you wont see in all of its animations is deleted, which is easily around 25% of your whole mesh
Maybe we should ask the guy from the Farcry 3 thread ; )
I learned that when you are dealing with baked normals you cant delete the other side because that would change the normals of the lowpoly and then you will no longer have synced normals between the lowpoly and the normalmap.