Hey everyone,
I haven't posted on here in forever, figure it's time to do so again. So I was inspired by Sleeping Dogs, and went to town on scene. Originally was just an Shanghai Alley, but need something to stand out, so decided to add a canal and boats. Still a good amount of work to be done on lighting, the bridge is in the way early stages, so that's why it looks terrible. I have to touch up the fog, DOF, finish the boat, etc. In other words, much to do. Any comments/critiques would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - JaySy03





Thanks for the feedback, very much appreciated. I will definitely tone down the fog, and tinker with the rain, and post new pics and wireframes very soon. If I keep the rain, I will definitely have rain streaming off of the buildings and such, and definitely work on the lighting. Thanks again. - JaySy03
Light materials need a stronger glow. Intensify those numbers. The red globes could really benefit from this.
Minus the first angle on the ground, the surfaces appear dry
Sorry for the very slow updates, a lot going on. I got rid of the rain, fog, and wet surfaces, and tweaked the lighting, though I plan to reduce the bloom. I ill post some wireframe pics of my models I soon as I can. Thanks - JaySy03