Going to start learning how to make human characters, starting with heaps of zbrush heads. Eventually I want to be able to make full characters.
I know Zbrush a little, but I've mostly used it for hard surface stuff.
I plan on just posting it all here in this thread. Not sure if that's allowed or not, so if any mods are reading, let me know.
Anyway, here's my first attempt. Started with a box and made this head. Reading a bit on dynamesh and trying to understand it, but its a bit over my head at the moment.
Anyway, here's my first attempt. I was trying to sculpt a male, but somehow ended up with something much more female looking.
There's these weird points that I can't smooth out. They are right where the bolder lines meet. Anyone know what the heck this is?

Damn. I was hoping there was a way to fix that other than starting again.
Alright, I'll look into retopology in zbrush. I've done it with Topogun before. Hoping its similar.
While holding shift you shall smooth normally, but if you let go of shift without lifting the pen you will activate the alternative algorithm. I think this is called topological smooth, but I may be wrong.
Dynamesh is volume based. To help wrap your head around it, imagine it like 3D pixels. Every time you re-dynamesh, many of these are used to analyze the space your model occupies, and it creates a perfect mesh for sculpting as a result. This as opposed to relying on subdivision, freeing you from topology, but at the cost of fine detail. Space and volume as opposed to edgeflow.
Definitely, for starting with faces, know the skull. Muscles, especially those around the mouth, are very important. Fat on the face can completely change a character too--usually more fat = softer = more feminine. I can see some basic skull shapes in your head, but the proportions need some work. The muzzle needs to sit back further into the face, and the brow and nose could come out further.
Sculpting a face from scratch and developing the eye to properly judge its proportions may very well be the hardest thing one can do as a 3D artist.
solution 1 : maybe you have already tried this but to get a better smoothing brush press maj, start smoothing and while still smoothing release the maj key. It usually gets rid of annoying pinches.
solution 2 : copy your sculpt. Run dynamesh on one of the copy at low res. Divide the dynamesh you just got and project it on the other copy. That way you get a dynamesh with several levels of subdivision so it's super easy to sculpt!
solution 3 : make a retopo of this sculpt with a nice topology (check the wiki if you don't know what a good face topology is : http://wiki.polycount.com/FaceTopology?highlight=%28\bCategoryTopology\b%29 ). And just project it on you sculpt.
Solution 2 is by far the best one in my opinion because it's fast and easy.
Hope that helps!
The way I'm practicing at the moment is: I'll start with just a cube, then subdivide and start blocking in the forms, and just keep adding detail the as I subdivide. I like being able to go back down like five levels and change the basic structure at will.
With Dynamesh. can you still do that?
yeah, just found that out. It is hard.
Popol - Thanks. Going to try method 2. I already got it fixed, but I want to see how it works.
Anyway, here's the head currently. I need to work on my understanding of the skull. I think I might sculpt one next.
I know I'll have to retopo when I eventually want to make the low res game versions, but should I be able to sculpt out the entire high poly from this base mesh?