I'm in some need of some help as i've hit a bit of brick wall with my work and i'm struggling to continue with it as it is.

I have done some additional work to it over the past few days but i'm not really happy with the new work ether.

Feed back is more than welcome!
Thanks -Denvir
Your model looks like he has a generic stamp all over him.
More importantly than the detail work is that your guy is looking a little stubby and not showing a strong base form underneath. It is really important to get that base form down because that is what people notice before any type of surface detail.
along with a quick sketch i did for the proportions
this changed quickly as i was working as i wanted to do something different with his spikes. it was also pointed out as i was working on the base sculpt that he doesn't look very heavy so i have tried but i'm not sure how else to add weight to it.
i know what you mean about the stamping, but i have used 5-6 different alphas to create it.
i have used this one a fair bit (possibly over used as it gave a nice pattern that worked with the look i wanted.
this was more of a base in which i worked over just to generate a bit of shape to start sculpting over
and this again was a base alpha for his back, masked out the area i wanted then drew it out and cleaned it up and then added a little noise to get some texture back in it.
i'm going to add a few extra hours today and try to remove the stamped effect i'll post what i've accomplished tonight
i tried to clean up a few areas i have given him more muscle around his legs, chunked up his neck and should area also reworked a bit of the texture on him.
i have also made and placed the eye in the high poly face just to see if it works, i'll test it with colouring once i have textured the dino.