Hey, all! I'm remaking an old plague doctor mask that I made a year or so ago. I'm remaking it because I felt it had great potential, but it was ultimately let down by my (at the time) poor modelling, baking and texturing skills. Hopefully it will turn out a lot better this time.
Here's the old lowpoly model:

Here's some of the problems with the old model that I hope to fix:
- Few interesting details in the highpoly. There were exacly zero folds in the original model to indicate that it was made of cloth (leather in this case), only some stitching which IMO won't cut it.
- Very flat and boring texture. The leathery parts will just look like noise from further away and there are no bigger forms there at all.
- No dirt at all, just some scratches on the leather.
- Bad baking, especially on the tip of the beak as that looks very flat (might have edjust my newer version too, will testbake before I do any major work on that).
- Too lowpoly (only ~300 triangles). The original model was made for a Doom 3 mod called The Dark Mod so I didn't use as many triangles for it as I would've done for a newer engine. I intend to display this in UDK or Cryengine so I'll use a bit more triangles for this.
Here's the new and improved highpoly model (before sculpting):

And here's where I'm at with the sculpt:

I will make some similar stitching on the new model as on the old one, I am just trying to make some more interesting bigger details first (folds in the cloth currently).
The sculpt is missing the tip of the beak because ZBrush (4r4) started complaining about encountering errors while importing my file. At first I thought it was because of n-gons or perhaps some non-manifold or loose geometry but I've checked/fixed all of those problems and are now coming up empty handed. I've tried to turn off all my modifiers as well, but that really didn't change anything. I am trying to export from Blender 2.66. Do anyone know how to fix this problem or any workarounds?
So what do you think?
The lowpoly is also pretty much done:
It landed on about 1770 triangles.
Here's the unwrap for it as well:
I'll bake the belts flat as that'll (presumably) give me less distortions.
So what do you think?
Here's what it looks like right now:
I need to work a lot more on the leather as I want to make it look way more worn and old. Other than the leather I am pretty satisfied with where it is headed so far.
I'll also need to rebake the belts so that's why they weren't included in the render.
Some feedback would be appreciated.
Also what is Gnald? I tried a quick google for it and the most relevant I found was this very thread.
Yeah, I baked out the missing maps (cavity and curvature) and tried out Knald and it really helped. So thanks for the suggestions.
Here's todays progress on the texturing:
C&C is very much appreciated!
I defined the materials a lot better (imo) and obviously added a mannequin head and a hat. It all clocked in at 2000 tris (about 1500 for the mask and another 500 for the hat) with a 1024^2 texture set for the mask another 1024*512 texture set for the hat.
The model is pretty close to finished but C&C is still very much appreciated.
I'll try that. Though I have heard that you really shouldn't mess with the baked normalmap (other than overlaying some detail textures that is). Thanks for the advice!
I'm a lot more happy with the leather on the mask now. So thanks again for the advice.
I'm not so happy with the material on the hat, but I really can't seem to get that it to look as good as the mask. I am thinking that maybe the normalmap is too flat and I should just sculpt the wrinkles with a bit more depth, but I'm not sure.
I tried the your trick but it didn't really work out. The shading looked pretty weird in several places (especially the glass), so I'll just stick to what I had. Thanks anyway though.
Another thing you could try is darkening the sections where the leather joins together. That way you wouldn't notice the meshes intersecting so much and also it's a natural place for grease and dirt to build up anyhoo.
Here's the latest progress:
I had to re-unwrap the hat to paint in some of the dirt, but it was worth it because it's now a bit more efficient and have less seams. I'm pretty happy with how the hat looks now. I also darkened/strengthened the dirt on both the mask and the hat.
Do anyone have any more critique? Otherwise I think this piece is pretty much done.
Thanks for the tip, but I already knew how to do it and had tested it and it didn't really work out for the mask. I did try it on the hat though and it worked pretty well there.
The model is pretty lowpoly (156 tris) and the 1bit alpha is what gives it a very smooth outline. Should I model it all out instead or just keep it alpha-mapped? There are pros and cons for both alternatives, but I'm not sure which I should go for.
+ Smooth outline
+ Less polygons
- Potentially inaccurate shadowing
- Paperthin
- Probably more expensive
No alpha:
+ Actual depth
+ Probably cheaper
- More jagged edges
- More polys
I will re-model the lowpoly in any case as it is a bit, well, too lowpoly atm.