Hi guys !
A short introduction of myself, a CG student currently studying in Singapore.
Been learning and doing modelling for a year now.
Currently having a big issue with holding on to works and randomize workflow (always back and forth, back and forth)
So basically, the purpose of this thread is
1) To force myself to churn out props and assets with a given timeframe
2) develop a good flow of working, instead of back and forth always.
3) To know when to stop and move on.
4) A gauge for myself to know that how far am I away from being production ready ?
Ok, now let the challenge begin and may the odd be always with me.

Below is my ref for M18A1 mine.

Aim to produce a well weathered M18A1 model that is capable of being animated.
Tomorrow I will be doing the high poly and baking to low poly mesh.
Stay tuned for updates !
Back with updates.
Was busy with celebrating the holidays, family dinner, etc.
Managed to churn out 4hrs of works.
Still very slow when come to high-poly.
Focusing on the details seems to be the problem that I always face with doing hard surfacing
Gonna continue tomorrow.
Been keeping a logbook with this proj to keep track what I been doing.
Finding time to finish this challenge.
Below is what I have after 10 hours
Alot of the time are spend settling on topo esp the top part of the M18A1
It took me a total of 4 hours just to get the smooth surface and yet is still not good enough.
Is there any tutorial that I can learn from to improve my speed in topo ?
Done some research but still am slow in it.