Hi, i tried out a custom node in udk, and i did everything in the exact same way like on this (used the same code) and how the explanation said.
But unfortunately it doesn't worked. I got error when i plugged it to the diffuse.
Can someone tell me why?
How is it possible, that the example is working with this code, and mine is not?
Anyway, I got another problem.I want to use scenetexture as texture with aligned to the screen. After a little searching, i found this
I combined the previous code with this, but as you can see, its not screen aligned.I tried out different uv methods like screenpos node with (and without) screen align checked, but nothing worked properly.
Btw i can make what it doing without this custom node (already made before tried this), but it would be 2 miles long with 8 samples.Is this would be a trouble?Just because i have better understanding of node combining than writing codes. Also i could make masking option easily.