So after 11 consecutive weeks of sculpting a character per week to push myself, I've run into a wall. I knew I hit that creative wall when this past weekend I couldn't sculpt a face to save my life :poly119:. I pushed through it but wasn't 100% satisfied.
I've decided to take a step back from sculpting for a little bit(besides from my freelance work) and do other things. I'll satisfy my creativity with some good'ol life drawings, going outside, spend time with family, etc....
I don't know if I'm burnt out, I don't feel like it; or if just some personal difficulties are affecting my art.
Whatever it may be, I've been doing what I mentioned for the moment to get through this.
What are some things you guys have done when you've hit this wall in your path?
Just wondering
Doing a character a week seems pretty intense, so needing to take a break from it after 11 weeks seems totally fine.
Neil Gaiman has talked about it a lot, it applies to art as well:
"Youre always going to be dissatisfied with what you write. Thats part of being human. In our heads, stories are perfect, flawless, glittering, magical. Then we start to put them down on paper, one unsatisfactory word at a time. And each time our inner critics tell us that its a rotten idea and we should abandon it."
Gonna go outside and enjoy the cold weather
In hindsight, the title is misleading lol, didn't mean for that to happen.
Not the definitive approach. Your mileage may vary.
Man, don't worry about the block....take a break. Go outside, watch some movies, play some games.
I'm sure something will inspire you.
+1 that feng zhu visual library vid.
Take a couple of days off and play games, meet with friends, walk the dog, watch TV, workout outside, etc. and before you know, you will be itching to get back into making new stuff again.
The only suggestion I have is to no engage in anything that requires some kind of challenge out of you with other people, for example, DOTA2 or Competitive Local Marathon would be a very bad idea after an art-burn-out, trust me, you want to avoid anything on that level.