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[UDK] - Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln)

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Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
Okay so I've decided in the spirit of the Walking Dead Finale, and the release of Survival Instinct, I would have my own go at creating a character from the series.

I'm worried that I won't be able to do him great justice, but hopefully you guys can help me do the best I can....

So far, I've been focusing on the face and form mostly so far, the hair is a placeholder to help me see the full picture, and just to frame his face really.. Currently I'm looking for critique on his face and the larger forms in it, before i move on to the finer more asymmetrical details.

I did a little overlay just to show you the current state of the proportions and detail, Its all very symmetrical for now, but I find it still doesn't feel like Rick...

Any C&C?


  • MichaelElphick
    For me the eyes seem to be the feature that doesn't strike me as Andrew Lincoln, I think you should add two subtool spheres and rebuild the eyes around them, the forehead needs shorting slighty, the chin needs bulking outwards slighty and the ears ever so slightly enlarged sideways.

    I did a quick Photoshop job, I think if you refer to a few more images with flatter lighting it will be a closer resemblance.

    Hope this is helpful!


  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the feedback dude, I agree with your eyes and chin, not to sure about the forehead though, Maybe a fraction but not as much as you depicted, Thanks a lot though it really helped,

    Here is an update


    There is something I don't like about his mouth still, I think his bottom lip is too big, I've been working on the shirt too, Still needs A LOT of work,


    His left arm turned out better than his right, but the body seems to be going better, I need to work on his hands too,

    C&C Welcome

  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    So far I think i've worked in a good likeness and some of his more definitive wrinkles,
    Just need to do a lighter pass with some alphas to really add some variation to the surface and take strong highlight away from the hand sculpted wrinkles.

    They still need a bit of work, but they definitely help push the likeness some more,
    The shirt was toned down a bit on the sleeves especially, I made the mistake of adding too many wrinkles and folds instead of using planar changes in the surface to help lead up to the crease.

    Having some issues with the side profile of his Jaw, im really not happy with it, I can't quite tel if its sunken in or oddly rounded, Its quite difficult seeing as Andrew has a very round jaw, so any critique on the face would be highly valuable,
    Nothing better than a pair of fresh eyes...

  • _DeadPixel_
    Hmm...right now he looks more like the bad guy from Terminator 2.
    I think it'll benefit you if you slow down and really nail his facial structure before getting carried away with any detailing.
    I think the nose is the big issue - give it more of a broken look.
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Ahaha no way, he actually does,
    In response to your comment, I have spent a good 1-2 weeks trying to capture his facial structure you can see quite the changes i've gone through,

    I believe the features your after are mostly asymmetrical the reason I have avoided them is purely down to personal workflow, I don't like messing up the symmetry until its dead on, which I felt it had reached, just required tweaking areas like teh nose and individual eyes,

    Do you see any other major forms wrong with the face, Also some small tweaks i did the second after i posted..


    Also these are perspective now before they were orthographic, that might be the reason.

    Ref Links:
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Cheers SargentCrunch, Those were the words I was hoping to hear one day soon :D

    Had a final play before bed, bit of FOV warp on the outer two, but they still read quite strong,

    I think his lips are STILL too small now looking slightly pursed,

    Did a quick overlay test as well, painted out some of his features and saw that alot of them lined up and replaced his real ones quite accurately.

    Check it out below



  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Final Facial update, I don't have enough time to spend on the character to warrant anymore time on the face seeing as its this accurate.

    I still don't like the lips, i think its cause i gave them a rather hard crisp edge, which a quite smooth should fix, but otherwise I'm happy with it, just needs some pores and wrinkle detail now :D



    Im not saying its perfect its far from it, but I'm struggling to see any big details throwing this off, but there's a few small things i'm still not happy with.

    C&C greatly appreciated :D
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks a lot for the feedback, im glad you can see Andrew in the sculpt more clearly now, and I'll have another pass on the lips as soon as I can,

    I really appreciate the support and your enthusiasm helping me through this project
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9

    While the changes to the face my not be clear from this distance, it has been tweaked once again, bit by bit, im trying to capture enough expression in his face to highlight the features worth highlighting without actually giving his face to strong an expression.. this is mainly because in TWD he only ever really displays anger or sadness,

    Added the belt and its extra pieces just to see how it all looks together on the whole, I don't plan on sculpting the belt detail it would take quite alot of time so hopefully Nvidia filter and NDo2 can really pull their weight, with the patterns involved.

    Do his legs look a little thin? or his jeans too tight perhaps?
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Cheers again for the consistent feedback Crunch,

    I agree with your proportions only because i recently changed his anatomy, but didn't spent a lot of time translating that into the shirt, So the shirt looks quite large and he looks quite built, the arms MAY be slightly too short STILL, but again nothing a few quick strokes can't fix :)

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, accidently left his belt and trousers very low on his hips, that's why it reads so wrong, hes got gangsta baggy trousers
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9

    Just another update, got some feedback and critique from lecturers, Toned down the shirt and focused on making his clothes read tighter and more controlled,

    Might leave it here for a while now, focus on placing in those final other details then move onto the retop and polypaint before the weekends out
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Good eyes Crunch,

    I did give him quite an overly pencil body, I tweaked it a tad and its a little bit more pleasing now, Rick doesn't really have a large body shape hes quite pencil himself, but it does look a tad wrong now you mention it
    thanks dude :)
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Just a small one, had to change projects to get the deadlines done,
    Started the retop, The shirt and jeans are just basic for now, for test captures mainly can always improve silouhette later,

    This way I can have a completed model and just apply improvements with additional bakes as i Improve the sculpt

  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Low poly in engine...

    Testing some unwraps bakes and texturing techniques, Skin looking mediocre, looks like he is wearing a potato sack for a shirt, Excuse the rushed look this model will have over the next few days, my time is very limited.

    I will however spend the week after purely on this model, so any advice and critique is truly appreciated if not critical, so please I will take it all into account and apply as the opportunity presents
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    I need to do another pass over the actual geometry to give a decent silhouette at the moment its quite tubular, I cannot stress how horrible the shirt is, its quite hard to make it look like believable cloth, I'm not to sure what sort of detail is required, whether a stitching pattern does help.

    This is also quite the worry, why it looks so much nicer in my material shader than the viewport....2K1VJ.jpg

    Any ideas?
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9

    Finally, UDK sending some of it my way,

    Shirt still looks like a bag of wank, the normals are the main issue here, that and maybe the unwrap, but not too hard to fix just needs some TLC and attention,

    Mainly posted this to show off his skin (face) there are still seams but nothing a 10 min job can fix, any advice where im going wrong
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9

    Ver 2
    - Improv Spec, Desaturated SSS sub colour

    Ver 3
    - Lower opactiy on all shirt detail passes

    Finally got around to attempting hair, took a while, but seems to be going okay, need to improve the hair texture itself, get some MSAA on there,

    I've kind of lost hopes for the shirt, if i want it to look nice it will probably involve a reunwrap and rebake some strange collar issues,

    As much as i want to improve, i'd rather not have a grilling on areas I already understand are wrong, so most of my time went into the hair and skin shader mainly in the face, so any critique there would be appreciated,

    Any advice on how next best to work with clothes would be appreciated too, they were the first clothes i really tried,

    Oh yea lacking Eyebrows too xD
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9

    Added some eyebrows and stuble, really basic hair brush on photoshop, nothing special, more a base really, I'd like to start this whole thing again if I could, but i don't have the strength of the time,

    C&C really apprecaited
  • sargentcrunch
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    The shirt is so poor, i just don't want to see it anymore 2Mbwn.jpg

    Decided i will redo this head/hair properly to a higher standard upon deadline, I used NDo2 to bake my diffuse information into the normal it got a lot more information surprisingly much more detailed and less flat, I feel as though its kind of cheating,

    How could I of improved the contrast myself, I can't imagine its easy to hand paint a normal, any input?

    Current UV's kind of holding me back a bit here, i really want to redo this

    Thanks again for the comments Crunch, I plan on just sculpting his face over the next 2 weeks, and making that my concentration, I feel like im just not doing it justice, made alot of stupid mistakes, but at least the learning curve is fast
  • Odd3sy
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    Odd3sy polycounter lvl 8
    Just as a general point, I'm no character artist but would the skin texture maybe benefit from colour variation, maybe on the ears, cheeks and nose where there is more blood present? is this something maybe you could do with sub surface scattering?
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Good piece of advice, I have let slip a few key maps that could really help in replace for constant vectors, but based on that i had a quick pass at making an SSS map, and improving the hair shader, realised that i can't have the base of the hair any less than a pure white, or else you get a horrific ghosting,

    Thanks to Rich Hall i could quickly use his test hair bakes to replace my own and improve the affect greatly

  • sargentcrunch
  • Moosebish
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    Moosebish polycounter lvl 12
    It probably not worth the trouble at this point, but the face should have more UV space than the hands and ears. In all your renders we don't even see his hands, and they are taking up a huge part of the UVs
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Crunch, really appreciated your consistant feedback and support through this project dude, can't thank you enough,

    Moose, your totally right, I tried to balance the two appropriately, but i think the head unwrap could of been better allocating me more space for the face, but I Will explain...

    He was suspposed to be a full character but it turned out that I couldn't make clothing very well at all, so the more i focused on improving a shirt that was going nowhere seemed pointless, so i moved my focus into making the face the best it could, with the space it had, massive comprimise but good to know that i went wrong and where i need to improve

    No offence but do you have anymore appropriate critique, I would appreciate it,
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