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Normal Map seam can only be seen from far away

polycounter lvl 9
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Chase polycounter lvl 9
From far away you can see the seam, but up close it's not even there. First time I've seen this....79899255.jpg


  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    Do you have any edge padding?
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    3ds max with an edge padding of 2. Ill see what it looks like in udk since that's what's important but I don't see it being any different
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    How big is your texture map size? Edge padding of 2 may not be enough thus resulting in this artifact.
  • Brendan
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    Brendan polycounter lvl 8
    Edge padding of 2 (pixels)? That's (barely) enough for one mip-map or a slight angle if you're not cranking up the anisotropic filtering.

    Increase it to a very minimum of 6 (even if it means adjusting UV islands), and boost that texture filtering as high as you dare.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    1024x1024. Ill give the edge padding a go. I thought 2 was the usual padding...6? Great scott man lol. I shall see if she works
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    dont worry about it.what is matter, that how it looks in a game engine.as long as it looks good in engine, it doesnt really matter how it looks in max.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    from 1024 to 512, you lose 4 pixels square...and thats just one mipmap step
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    edge paddingas high as possible, so no gray or black areas are left on the canvas!
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    You need a minimum of 8 for most engines, and make sure that everything else around your bake is a neutral blue (127,127,255).
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Looks like it was the edge padding. Good to know 8 and above is the norm. I had to go up to 13. On another note, I know you're suppose to split your smoothing groups when using a normal map, but I didn't do that for this mesh that has 4 smoothing groups and the normal map looks the same.

    Here's what my uvs look like with the smoothing groups stitched

    Here's what they would look like if I were to follow that normal map baking rule

    Which should I be doing?

    Also, I probably know the answer to this but I'm gonna ask it anyways. Is this due to my low poly not matching my high in this area or due to my cage? I spent awhile getting all of the ray misses out but this isn't going away so I'm assuming it's the low not matching the high...
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Looks like you have definite raycast misses. Would be a lot more useful if you posted the normal maps instead of the UV wires
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Oh my bad. Here it is
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    I didn't know about that minimum 8 too, but when i think, its totally understandable. I never had problems with this btw.

    Anyway Chase, your uv map is really strange.It causes brutal distortion on the texture.Just assign a checker map to your model, and you will see what i am talking about.
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth

    Are you baking in xnormal?
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Obscura - I applied a checker texture to it before and tried relaxing the faces and edges so without adding more seams I don't know what else do to. I'm going to go back and retopologize this to get a more evenly distributed model. I just used topogun cause I find that easier to create the low poly. Is there any other more efficient ways? I know I could start from scratch but I'm not sure how to match the models the way topogun accomplishes it. This is my first bake.

    Atticus - Nope in Max. What should I do about the smoothing groups and the normal map? I feel like I should be splitting the UV shells to follow the rules of a normal map bake, but if I'm not getting any errors why add more work/seams ya know.
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    You must have a UV split where you have smoothing splits. UVs are much more precise than texture maps so the edges will bleed and you will get artifacts, so you have to split up the UVs and add padding. It doesn't work the other way around though, if you have a UV split you don't necessarily need a smoothing split. There's a handplane video on the polycount news page that explains this really well.

    To be honest I'm not sure that's what's causing your problem, it does look like you have hard edges inside your uv islands but the seams look like raycast misses from a non averaged cage but Max uses averaged cages by default so Im not sure. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me can point you in the right direction.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    I know about the uv splits and smoothing splits but I wanted to make sure. I think that's what's causing the edge bleeding. Splitting up the uv seams should answer my distortion problem too. What's the difference between an average projection cage and the other type? I'm still confused on that
  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    This was something I recently came across and me and my friend did some testing and came up with some weird results.
    In simple, if your format to be is a .tga pad it a lot. Gaussian blur it, or re-render with extra padding, as others have mentioned this is the reason for those weird black edges.
    However, my friend suggested I tried a different format so I tried .bmp bitmap and with or without any padding I didn't get any dark edges showing (in unity & marmoset).

    I was and am still confused about this, I'm fairly new to texturing/mip-mapping etc. so if anyone has any suggestions as to why file format matters so much please share with me. The only reason I can think of is that mip-mapping isn't actually working with the bmp's at all, or is handling it differently compared to targas. Or perhaps the issue lies with the alpha channel in a targa, I'll do some more testing but as a newbie I still feel pretty in the dark here.
    More Google searching to do.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    I'm looking at my normal map and realized I didn't shrink my uv shells to compensate for the edge padding so ill trythat as well.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    If you share your model file(obj plz), i show you with pleasure how you should uv this in a right way.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Just PM me your email so I can send it to you. Also, I'm thinking of detaching the top cement block, retopoing the two pieces for cleaner geo since this was a quick and dirty test, and then bake using the match multi material IDs option. Or I could just retopo and combine them as one like I have. Any pros or cons to either?
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