Hello Everyone!
So, details! This raptor is my first asset to go through an almost full pipeline. It is my first using zbrush to such a large extent. So naturally I'm roughing through a work process. The beast is still kinda on its way to the finish line, and is missing a few odds and ends. mouth, teeth, tongue. With those additions it will be sitting at 10,000 tris, without it is at 8740. The mouth was a last minute addition after the sculpt and low poly were done. So it's been interesting getting it in there. I still need to sculpt the teeth and tongue, and texture all three of the inside parts. After I get it all done I'm going to finish the rig I started and get it animated.
So things I think I could do better!
The spec and gloss maps! I Need to learn how to paint/use spec maps and gloss maps to greater effect. I feel I can portray the materials (dirty/clean, rough/smooth) much more strongly than they currently are, but I'm not sure how to do that as of now.
The poly distributing is ok. I think I could move some polys from places to a new home that would add support to the silhouette like the teeth, and pelvic bone, without that much of a negative effect on the deformation
I could probably pick up some more reference pictures and get some more interesting first and second reads on the normal maps. As well as maybe a camo pattern like a monitor lizard or something.
So here are my in progress images out of
maya and Marmoset.Maya; Base mesh - Low poly - Unwrap
Zbrush; High poly sculpt - Diffuse - Ambient occlusion - Normal - Displacement
Photoshop; Map compilation - Specular
Marmoset; Render

Thanks for reading! Please If you have any crits or comments you are most welcome to be vocal... or textual?