No one has a problem with swedish women, it was how they were used in the video that is offensive. Lesbian references, ass shots, innuendos. The 1980s called and want their immature advertising themes back.
Ey! Don't hate on Swedish women, dudes. Ain't nothing wrong with that interview!
Legit swedish accents all around, got to love it.
(I live in Stockholm =P, and yes. It was painful to watch)
I believe you'r kind of missing the point here. Welcome to "How to make a women in to an object 101"
The little respect I had for Overkill, which wasn't the highest to start with, is gone. I shouldn't burn bridges and what not, but I would never for the life of me work for them, this just adds to it.
as a shy nerd without any social skills seeing fefefefemale models pretend to interact with my kind for money thrills me greatly.
for all i know this whole thing might have been conceived and executed by some external pr firm (either way that's probably where overkill will place the blame), so it pains me to say this but this makes me very unlikely to ever apply to their studio.
Well, they're at least promoting there game and shit. Overkill is promoting some kind of soft porn video here. They're searching for "bikini models". This is not a promo for there actual game.
Actually it seems pretty effective. You guys are talking about it
Only if you subscribe to the "any press is good press" mantra. But even that needs to be handled with care. The trick is to get some prude to freak out so you can shine a light on their prudish freak out making you look like the underdog fighting for a little fun. I'm reminded of the great prudish picketing of E3 a few years back where actors where paid to be religious zealots picketing a particular game. It almost worked but blew up in their face when one of the actors bombed a few simple questions, revealing the whole gorilla marketing campaign as a sham.
Without the prudish freakout to make them look good, they look like assholes using skanks to shill their game instead of letting the game sell itself.
The laughing stock of the Swedish game industry for sure, blacklisted is probably a little strong...
Not much laughing going on, it's pretty much all that's wrong with the industry and what developers are working so hard again, lots of upset developers.
I don't think you should boycott a companies game based on the decisions that their marketing team made. I'm sure there were people within the team who thought it was a crude way of marketing their hard work when they could have shown a gameplay video.
Their first game was reviewed pretty well, we shouldn't scrutinize the whole company based on the decisions of a select few.
Baj Singh: I think you posted the wrong video, because THAT WAS AWESOME!
lol, it wasn't so funny for our Art Manager and Lead animator. They got stick for it for weeks .
Shame you didn't nick that idea for Pirates 101 :poly137:
Not much laughing going on, it's pretty much all that's wrong with the industry and what developers are working so hard again, lots of upset developers.
I completely agree and I'm happy to see industry peeps starting to buck against this shit; but I wouldn't be happy to see this one dumb move affect them in the long term though; they gotta put bread on the table, just like the rest of us.
I completely agree and I'm happy to see industry peeps starting to buck against this shit; but I wouldn't be happy to see this one dumb move affect them in the long term though; they gotta put bread on the table, just like the rest of us.
It's pretty easy: distance themselves from that PR project, that's all it takes.
apparently they pulled the video from youtube. I hunted it down to see what the fuss was about...yeah...these things don't fly so well lately. guess they didn't get the memo.
I completely agree and I'm happy to see industry peeps starting to buck against this shit; but I wouldn't be happy to see this one dumb move affect them in the long term though; they gotta put bread on the table, just like the rest of us.
I'm sorry but that's total BS. It's not like some publisher held a gun to there head. And if there was pressure from someone/something with money, you can still stand above that. I've heard that from studios before, "Well we need to put in girls with huge breasts into the game for no reason what so ever, cause publisher X said so." Nope, you don't have to. You can say no thank you. I've also heard "The industry isn't there yet. We'll take that step one the industry is ready". We can't all be standing on the sidelines waiting until something happens. You got to be proactive on this shit.
And by the way, I have a hard time seeing how this wouldn't be anyone else then Overkill themselves who made this. One of the models wrote that she met up with the two owners "to make a little film for their game" on her blog. Din't sound very "PR-firm" to me. But what do I know.
I honestly can say I feel ashamed and angry, even if I am not working there any more, it does affect the former employees of Stabreeze.
They would not allowed this thing to happen or exist.
One of the former members of the older starbreeze generation says:
The reason I'm disappointed is that Starbreeze used to have the moral high ground here. Especially the art director was a vocal feminist which is why in Chronicles of Riddick - a game full of rugged prisoners and tough guards - you would not see any pinup posters or hear any derogatory remarks about women. It is also why in the Darkness, Jackie was not the womanizer he is in the comics but rather devoted to his (reasonably proportioned) girlfriend. All of those people have moved on to other studios now so it is no surprise that their integrity moved with them, but even after having been gone for two years it still stings a bit.
This is not the entire quote but one of the important parts of it.
And I agree, it stings a bit even if you do not work there any more.
yea pretty weak. not only the stereotypes of women like that, but also making most guys in the game industry look like pathetic choads who cant possibly interact with hot women outside of hiring models and ogling them. brute. to me it detracts from both sexes in just a horribly shitty manner, making women sexual object and making the guys seem super weak and pathetic as well.
What is this game about anyway? I couldn't tell from the video.
it's about holding use buttons on progress bars, grinding rewards by intense repetition and so many clicking of heads. It's one of the most boring coop experiences i've ever played.
This looks like a desperate attempt at intentionally bad publicity to me, they think the above tedious formula for cooperative gameplay would have been overlooked after the uninteresting L4D crosspromotion.
Yeah. you're on youtube (briefly)...offering to show models your penis...model. instant fame! that kind of puts a damper on the whole idea of distancing your dev team from the pr move.
Legit swedish accents all around, got to love it.
(I live in Stockholm =P, and yes. It was painful to watch)
Am I doing it right?
"This would be a great movie"- Yeah, it's called 'Heat'.
I believe you'r kind of missing the point here. Welcome to "How to make a women in to an object 101"
The little respect I had for Overkill, which wasn't the highest to start with, is gone. I shouldn't burn bridges and what not, but I would never for the life of me work for them, this just adds to it.
Pretty amazing how it's reasonably well edited and cut etc, but the content is total bollox.
for all i know this whole thing might have been conceived and executed by some external pr firm (either way that's probably where overkill will place the blame), so it pains me to say this but this makes me very unlikely to ever apply to their studio.
Well, they're at least promoting there game and shit. Overkill is promoting some kind of soft porn video here. They're searching for "bikini models". This is not a promo for there actual game.
That won't make overkill any less blacklisted by the rest of the Swedish games industry.
Without the prudish freakout to make them look good, they look like assholes using skanks to shill their game instead of letting the game sell itself.
We'll see if it works...
I'll never buy a single game they make.
Not much laughing going on, it's pretty much all that's wrong with the industry and what developers are working so hard again, lots of upset developers.
I don't think you should boycott a companies game based on the decisions that their marketing team made. I'm sure there were people within the team who thought it was a crude way of marketing their hard work when they could have shown a gameplay video.
Their first game was reviewed pretty well, we shouldn't scrutinize the whole company based on the decisions of a select few.
lol, it wasn't so funny for our Art Manager and Lead animator. They got stick for it for weeks
Shame you didn't nick that idea for Pirates 101 :poly137:
I completely agree and I'm happy to see industry peeps starting to buck against this shit; but I wouldn't be happy to see this one dumb move affect them in the long term though; they gotta put bread on the table, just like the rest of us.
Thats pretty bad...I feel sorry for the employees who have to be associated with that blunder.
It's pretty easy: distance themselves from that PR project, that's all it takes.
its just a bad amateurish promo video, if that's all it takes to knock respect for women off its pedestal then it didn't belong up there anyway.
also you guys just aren't convincing enough, if your really upset you should all quit your jobs in protest.
if you see me this afternoon be sure to hiss and throw things
I'm sorry but that's total BS. It's not like some publisher held a gun to there head. And if there was pressure from someone/something with money, you can still stand above that. I've heard that from studios before, "Well we need to put in girls with huge breasts into the game for no reason what so ever, cause publisher X said so." Nope, you don't have to. You can say no thank you. I've also heard "The industry isn't there yet. We'll take that step one the industry is ready". We can't all be standing on the sidelines waiting until something happens. You got to be proactive on this shit.
And by the way, I have a hard time seeing how this wouldn't be anyone else then Overkill themselves who made this. One of the models wrote that she met up with the two owners "to make a little film for their game" on her blog. Din't sound very "PR-firm" to me. But what do I know.
They would not allowed this thing to happen or exist.
One of the former members of the older starbreeze generation says:
The reason I'm disappointed is that Starbreeze used to have the moral high ground here. Especially the art director was a vocal feminist which is why in Chronicles of Riddick - a game full of rugged prisoners and tough guards - you would not see any pinup posters or hear any derogatory remarks about women. It is also why in the Darkness, Jackie was not the womanizer he is in the comics but rather devoted to his (reasonably proportioned) girlfriend. All of those people have moved on to other studios now so it is no surprise that their integrity moved with them, but even after having been gone for two years it still stings a bit.
This is not the entire quote but one of the important parts of it.
And I agree, it stings a bit even if you do not work there any more.
it's about holding use buttons on progress bars, grinding rewards by intense repetition and so many clicking of heads. It's one of the most boring coop experiences i've ever played.
This looks like a desperate attempt at intentionally bad publicity to me, they think the above tedious formula for cooperative gameplay would have been overlooked after the uninteresting L4D crosspromotion.
Yeah. you're on youtube (briefly)...offering to show models your penis...model. instant fame! that kind of puts a damper on the whole idea of distancing your dev team from the pr move.