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Low Poly Treasure Chest

polycounter lvl 6
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travisdreams polycounter lvl 6
Here's a handpainted low poly treasure chest i created :) any feedback/critiques is welcome! the more the merrier as i'll be able to avoid making mistakes/habits in my future pieces! Thanks!


[update] a friend of mine pointed out that i have both a bump and a normal and i should remove one but i realized i put bump on top of my spec map instead of spec , woops , silly mistake x]


  • sziada
    Offline / Send Message
    sziada polycounter lvl 12
    I would love to see your cell shading Shader :)
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 14
    Really nice! It reminds me of medieval Borderlands!

    I think uv wise you could have overlapped a lot more and halved your uv space.

    Other than that its really nice!
  • travisdreams
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    travisdreams polycounter lvl 6
    sziada wrote: »
    I would love to see your cell shading Shader :)

    Well the exterior line render was done with Marmoset Toolbag so it wasn't a shader that gave the that result, just the little cherry on the top i needed to make this piece have the borderlands feel D;
    SaferDan wrote: »
    Really nice! It reminds me of medieval Borderlands!

    I think uv wise you could have overlapped a lot more and halved your uv space.

    Other than that its really nice!

    ahh i can see what you mean, i was wondering how Zbrush would handle overlapping UVs when planning to texture paint in zbrush and then baking the texture to a low poly? like if the texture would be distributed correctly to the overlapping UVs? so im going to have to experiment with that definitely! But i 100% agree i could have saved ALOT more UV space x]
  • moondog760
    You can just move the UV's being overlapped outside of the 0-1 space before you bake, then move them back after the bake is complete.
  • travisdreams
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    travisdreams polycounter lvl 6
    moondog760 wrote: »
    You can just move the UV's being overlapped outside of the 0-1 space before you bake, then move them back after the bake is complete.

    oh? thats interesting ive never heard of that method before, i'll definitely have to try that out soon , thanks !
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