Hi PC!
We are about to wrap up this project, and I got permission to posts these dinos here

It's a project for an archaeologist museum, and the dinosaurs are therefore relatively correct, as they had to obey what the geologists (think they) know. Some areas of them are free imagination, as a specific part of that dino may have not been discovered yet. But generally, that should have looked something like this.
Casper Wermuth did the modeling,texturing etc, Lasse Cleveland was responsible for rigging and animation, and Mikkel Fredborg did shader setup, lighting, hair and other in-engine stuff.
Hope you like 'em!









Neither can I! Yeah, these are the in-game models. Just took some screenshots inside unity. They appear on the monitor as you see them here, I just disabled the script for the UI. They do small animations, walks, idles etc, and when you click them (touchscreen), informational text appears, for that area. They also react to your touches, unless that was taken out. I also sculpted some of the bones for the dinos, so you can see the bone real life, and then check where it belongs in the dinosaur/animal. On top of this, there are some mini-games, where you, using a treadmill, will attempt to run from a coelophysis (which you cant
EDIT: nope, it isn't.
Thanks a lot for the kind words!