Next month is almost upon us, this month's thread was an extreme failure compared to previous months. This month I hope to rectify that issue and proceed to reverse this poor participation.
With that said MNC 4 had almost 40 pages! Let's do it again!
Post a concept and it will get voted on by other members as always.
So let us all post our concepts for April!

I think this Diner might be simple enough and it brings a lot with the lighting and textures.
I thought this Sci Fi room might be interesting as well:
I am liking either of these two. Very nice.
I'm feeling this
I skiped last month but might well give it a go in April. I tihnk we need something that people can look at and think " yep I can finish that "; so I like the red screen room from Zepic and the two buildings at the end of Alexs post(who doesnt like modularity
I like these too, but maybe they are too much for a month
Either of these two. They fit what the challenge is all about and can easily be done in a month and not overwhelm people new to the process of creating this stuff.
I vote these two
I'm going to participate this round
here's my pick:
This one is interesting.
Heres my vote!
1. A futuristic lab/operating room, very clean aesthetics, good for beginners.
2. Another operating room, this one has more props but it's not as stylish as the first one.
3. Research lab. Large open space, lots of smaller props, perhaps too difficult for beginner but should be a good exercise for the more experienced.
4. Simple apartment, I'm including this one even though it has few futuristic/scifi elements simply because it is very open for interpretation... it can be a clean, futuristic highrise apartment with a great view or it can be a dirty, cheap apartment of a hacker
5. Deus Ex concept I think, very pretty, definitely challenging but there is room for a modular approach.
6. Futuristic apartment, rather minimal, looks gorgous.
7. A sci-fi hallway, clean and modular.
I would love to do either of these 2
Though it look a lot like a challenge No3
this one is definitely my vote.
This is also probably the first one I'll be participating in, although... I'm rather noob-ish.
Originally this was a character challenge, or rather the idea was started as something for Characters for another polycounter. Me and someone named CDenis started one for environment artists shortly after.
my vote goes for that Harvester room by Mikael Engzell !
This one stands out to me the most, but really I need practice with as much as possible, so I'd be down for any!
This one looks cool
I Vote for this one, It's very nice and the colour palette is quite appealing too!
I haven't been able to join due to projects I'm working on. If this one is chosen though, I'll find the time. It gets my vote!
Oooo! I vote this!
These two (Two versions of the same modular kit? Different views of the same building? Can't tell for certain ) seem like they'd be a cool approach. It seems like "finished environment" has been, at least the implicit goal of the Noob Challenges that I've peeked in at (and the one I jumped ship from when hand-painted textures got too scary for me). Just focusing on a single, modular building could be a fun departure.
This one is also gorgeous. Contrary to what I just said a paragraph ago, having to figure out how to get lights and fancy materials to behave on some fairly minimalist props could be cool (and has actually been on my personal project bucket list for a long time now )
I'm down for this one.