Hey there all! Some really awesome ideas going up here, can't wait to see where they all go!
We (Death By Coffee) are super stoked about this awesome challenge and can't wait to show what we've got cooking. It is a team of 5:
- Kristian Kane (Gochillis): Env + FX
- Hilary Kauder (Aubergine): Env + Props
- Hugo Beyer (Bugo): Env + Textures
- Jamie Burton (Jamieb42): Characters
- Myself, David Mitchell (Lemonhead): Concept + Story + Art Support
Here is our idea + the concept for it...(thanks Shawn Spetch for the crazy brainstorming @ starbucks that helped shape this idea)
- Morgan Brandheart, treasure seeking myth chaser, has made the discovery of his life...or death? An ancient cavern, long ago home to a mysterious civilization of sun worshipers, and filled with treasures and technology beyond comprehension. Deep within the caverns, he finds a massive vault covered in ancient markings, sealed with a golden sceptre. Unable to resist, he takes the sceptre, breaking the seal. The vault was created by the ancients to imprison the Mahgrahan...a powerful beast conjured from a thousand fallen gods, lost to madness and evil. The beast is bound by the sceptre, and the sceptre bound to the soul of the one who removes it from the vault. It is the curse of the golden sceptre, the Mahgrahan can only be free to release the gods that embody it once it has devoured the soul that is bound to the sceptre...
...time for Morgan to haul ass...
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nice logo
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4th comp is also so good, it gives the chance to see the monster destroying the temple/city and the idea of the character running away. Still gives me the idea of what the temple is, but I'm not sure if looks sacred enough? Not sure.