Hi, i made a little material to generate "specular maps" from the diffuse map.There are a lot of parameters, so you can really make proper specular from your diffuse map.You can manipulate the clamping min/max value,brightness, contrast for each color channel,you can invert any channel, and you can choose the merging method. I found it very useful for making specular to my hand painted scene, without any specular map.
Let me know what you think guys.
This is the way to go in general though. Making unique spec textures for everything you do is something I rarely do, generation like this is key to keeping the size on an entire game down. There are also techniques of embedding specular into normal maps (blue channel), using lower res spec textures combined with diffuse (basically this setup plus some lerps and the low res spec texture), cropped spec maps for the parts that really matter (look up the emissive crop function), etc. Also using Alpha Channels is really bad in 90% of all cases due to the lack of compression on alpha, mergemaps should be used instead.
Anyway, how could i rename my thread?because now this mat is not only doing spec...