Hey there guys n gals! Just updated the heck out of my portfolio just in time for GDC! Let me know what you guys think in regards to if there's anything I should take out or keep in.
I'm ideally aiming for a prop or associate artist position at blizzard, so if anyone has any tips on how I could push my portfolio further in their direction, just let me know!
Thanks a ton!
I especially like your concepts also, you have a really good grasp of form and its clear in those. I hear blizzard likes stuff like that, so good luck with that. Keep in mind though that its incredibly hard to get your foot in the door there, so really push yourself to get everything polished perfectly.
I'd expand the images to fill the entire banner, moving the changing the text to either left- or right-justified. This will both give you larger images in the same screen real-estate and remove dead space.
Your hand-painted textures, especially the grass, show definite tiling in the distance. Manually editing the mip-maps should allow you to eliminate the offending details in the smaller images.
Thanks for the tips, and sorry for the super delayed response.
Aside from the orc mount the thumbnail images or whatever they're called on your main page don't help showing your stuff off. Make your work fit that size better or change the size.
The hand painted textures need some work. They read as blurry and monochromatic. Work in additional hues. Bounce lighting and warm highs/cool shadows are a great way to work more color in.
The spec (and lack of gloss map) on the revolver is hurting that piece a lot. I think a simple spec adjustment and add a gloss map as well as showing in Marmoset Toolbag would be great for that piece.
Your metal ship pieces need to have better value separation. Make one of them greyscale and notice how similar the level of grey is on everything. You want the different surfaces to be able to appear separate.
The UV mapping is really wasteful across the board. Minimize the wasted space. Repeat elements more if you need too.
It's a good temp portfolio. But at some point look into moving away from crabonmade to something a bit less rigid and more tailored to you.
You list ZBrush as something you have a skill in but there is no ZBrush work (or Mudbox whatever) up on your site. I would add something in that style or take off ZBrush. Also add a resume page. People like to see that regardless of what's on the resume (just be honest).
That's a lot of crap and GDC starts in hours (good luck man). I would just make a list of the things you think are important and rework them when you get time.
And you did not dissapoint sir. Thanks for the feedback. I'm at a dingy hotel right off market street at the moment so I'm not really able to fix most of that, but hopefully the HR reps on the career pavilion floor aren't quite so discerning.
I've been at that hotel. I've got a ton of stories of sketchy GDC hotels. Just make sure to have images in a gallery on your phone/tablet to show. It'll be faster than the slow wifi.