Hello Polycount~
Recently I've been working on what has become kind of a long term project for me. Last August I modeled a bunch of modular house bits and pieces because I didn't think I had enough hand painted stuff in my portfolio and I wanted to practice too, but only ended up completing one of the props; the door.

For the most part I'm still happy with it, although I want to re-do the doorknob. So anyway, here is a screenshot of the rest of the pieces (I put together a quick house with them):

So I decided the next step was to complete the little stairway, since I already had the steps finished with the door. I wanted to change what I had a bit so I grabbed some reference off of Google and decided that I wanted to do something like this, with the siding supporting the steps.

And so I modeled, sculpted and textured the siding.

At this point I've also got the platform at the top sculpted and UVd, but I haven't painted it just yet. I took a screenshot of it all together with the door at the top and did a really rough paintover in photoshop, trying to figure out some extra stuff I could put in to keep it from looking too monotonous.

At the moment there is a couple of things I want to change:
- The door knob
- Line up the stair steps to the bolts that are supposed to be holding them in place along the siding
- Change the position of the bolts on the steps themselves so they're closer to the edges (at the moment they're connecting to nothing)
So that's where I'm at now. Next step is to sculpt and texture the post and the assorted support planks etc. Does anyone have any critiques or suggestions for things I can add (or subtract)?
Thanks for viewing~
You could add a lamp coming out of the wall just beside the door maybe. Try arching the roof peak downwards too (like a slight U shape), even just a bit would help the silhouette.
Keep it up!
Yeah, the reason they were close to the middle originally is because I had some planks running underneath them for support, but then I changed it so that there were planks supporting the steps on the sides.
I've added some shade underneath the nails and also darkened them. And moved the step's nails towards the edges so that they fit right into the metal pieces underneath.
Do you think these are too dark or not dark enough, Blaisoid?
Today I've painted some rope. It's the first time I have tried it, so it probably has some room for improvement. This is the texture for it, it is 128x256.
And this is on a mesh.
And all together;
I am SERIOUSLY loving all the model and texturework in here so far; really inspirational. Especially the models, they have so much character and movement to them ^_^
Yes, the door, stair steps and the stone arch are on one map. On another map I basically have everything else making up the stairway and platform. Here's the map, although it's got some spare space that I haven't used yet (might put a barrel in there or something) and the metal is nowhere near finished.
So to answer your question, I decided I really wanted to give some of the props their own texture space instead of using a tileable texture so I could give each on their own look. But I still plan on using tileable textures for the roof, walls, floor and some of the less noticeable wooden parts (such as the support beams along the roof of the house).
Thanks a lot for your feedback, it means a lot as I've been a fan of your work for some time
Anyway I've just been playing around with the stuff I've got so far; I think I'll start painting some of these tileable textures next. Also I changed the doorknob finally.
Something bothers me about all those nails though. Too big or too uniform or too many.
Other than that, amazing job so far!