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Character - Rocky Golem

Hey fellow Polycounters - my latest venture - please comment and crit - all will be appreciated greatly :)

I've had this done without concept - just my imagination and now i can see that when doing so - one needs to be more careful and not jumping ahead too quick (for example his wrists now seem a bit odd - even though they looked fine few days ago :)

All is 15k triangles (overkill i know :) - but wanted to practice sculpting, baking and texturing more than retopologising so i've used 3dCoat's autoretopo on most of it

textures are: 4k for body (colour, normals, spec + gloss, emissive), 512 for chain links (colour, normal, spec + gloss) and base (normals and colour only)

all rendered in marmoset with one strong red light from side and sunlight ambient

i will try and do some rigging on him - but i'll probably leave it for now - can't look at it any more... :)

anyway - thanks!!




    Offline / Send Message
    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    I feel like 4k maps is a little over kill for the detail you have in the character. Have you tried to see what he looks like with a 2K map instead?

    From an artistic stand point it would be cool to get more variation in the lava like real lava has. Lava has a lot of shifts from yellow, to red, to orange as well as the black hardened rock that gathers on the surface. Also I am not a big fan of his feet for some reason, but not entirely sure why, but he just seams unbalanced because of them.

    Overall you did a nice job though.
  • thepapercut
    Looks really sweet dude, can't really say anything that pops out at me as off.
  • tristanCarter
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    tristanCarter polycounter lvl 5
    @Bardler, I agree about both the lava variation for color and the feet. The feet are kind of boring by ending in essentially metal stubs. It makes it feel somewhat impractical for moving around.

    Other than that it's a nice piece with good presentation.
  • ftorek
    thanks guys!

    i've scaled down main set of maps (for body) to 2k and there's not much of a visual difference (at least not in closeups) - thanks for reminding me about that! - im usually working in higher res maps - but then because it's 'portfolio-only' work - i'm a bit cagey about scaling maps down :)

    papercut - cheers man!

    legs - well - i wanted them to be kinda chunky (so that bloody pulp of his crushed enemies won't stuck between his toes :) - but your probably right at this point they're not really practical (again - my better half pointed that out as well - she said - 'but hey-wouldn't he topple over with no toes'?? :D

    thanks for comments
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