It's about time I drop my concept in here,
So the scope and team size initialy was rather big and aimed at pushing ourselfs to go big, but crunchsyndrome is heavy on a lot of us so there is little opportunity for now.
Hence I will try and go bezerk or full retard myself on this and see how far I can get.
It will mean cutting a lot of corners and doing lots of steps in a concept style to sketch a mood rather then to display art that is polished.
What I have in mind is for it to be a warm up for a larger project I've been meaning to do for a long time. A diorama in the halo universe or based on related scifi. I will create a spin on it now and make it a scifi conflict between two factions, where one is getting invaded, their ass kicked and has to retried.
It will take place in an industrial scifi setting, lots of firework and areas for me to try out tricks and work on my skillset. I will try and document steps and breakdowns that are worth sharing. So ya the contest is more to have a deadline where I can boost some skills with, if its worth submitting when the time comes then thats great.
Ofcourse tons of halo reference, aswell as i draw a lot of inspiration from Sparth.
You can see why,

So lets do thies!
Good luck man, I'll be creeping you on this
rooster, haha, i can see why!
I made slow progress though did manage to create a whole setup for it in Cryengine. Will try and get a few more hours in before i call it a day.
Heres how the lights are setup. They make use of a blue glow material for the tubes,
an fx for the rays and dust, aswell as an anamorphic fx, only nevative is that its static.
rays and dust
The entire scene is exported straight from max based on the origin of the scene.
Snapped back together in Cryengine based on the 0,0,0 coordinates.
pretty excited over here.
Nice scene btw.
ian, yeah max has a lot of options that are hidden.
I have it ready to go in one of my floating panels of shortcuts.
Mainly for setting it to the origin of the scene so I can quickly export and snap it in engine.
Been kept busy for too long so there's no real progress.
I focused a bit on the lighting and composition of it because it is way easier to work on parts once the overall feel is there.
One thing I really want to get in tomorrow is the floor, but im not quite sure yet what kind of panels it will consist of so i've been ignoring it for the moment.
I hacked together another FX for in the background.
Aswell as that I used displacement for a volume explosion, the test looked nice but then I only made worse by trying to polish so ill post that later.