Edit: Final render, characters rigged and posed, rendered in Marmoset.

For my final major project at uni I'm creating 3 Assassin characters, one robot, one human and one creature. Here are my initial concepts for each character.

Owl Creature Assassin.

Robot Assassin.

Human Assassin.

WIP My Owlman Zbrush sculpts so far, (I haven't added details to areas that are going to be covered in armour) I'll be modelling the armour in 3DSmax. Really looking for some feedback that'll help with the design, anatomy, silhouette, details etc. Also please check my blog for my most recent posts, thanks!
You have a really interesting style. Reminds me of Aeon Flux.
Maaaaan juggling 3 characters around at once is mighty tough, anyway, the underlying anatomy of the human assassin. Even though the the skin isn't going to be exposed I thought it good practise to sculpt the majority of the muscles in, as the amour is skin tight anyway, and its just good practise... Yes. Didn't bother with ears and toes as they'll be hidden, I'll sculpt hands in as a separate Ztool and add later. I used actor Taylor Kitsch as reference for the face, as I felt his expressions best portrayed the character of this assassin.
I've been neglecting posting updates as I've been working so hard.
Owlman Retopoligized, unwrapped and baked! Baked the maps using Mike Pickton's MaxScript: Autobakerrr, which saved me alot of time and gave me a decent result. There were a few errors and misses, which I patched up in 3D Coat and PS.
Owlman character finished (until further crit) 16,964 Triangles 2 x 2048 DSNG Rendered in Marmoset.
Loving the work dude. Owlman now lives in my inspiration folder
For the models I would say
owl needs more details in the armor
the materials/textures of owl and robot could be improved
wider spec and gloss ranges for example
Sure thang!
but i have to ask, dont they all have basically the same body type? tall slender with that s-curve body? is it intentional? if not i think you could vary them much more; make the human fat, give the robot straighter lines and more squarish forms, and keep the owl as it is. that way he will stand out more as the tall slender one.
Human textured and rendered in marmoset.
2x2048 D,S,N,G,E
24,000 Triangles
Final renders rendered in marmoset
Wire frames
Turntables to come next!
I would love to play this game. Owl assasin ftw
The posed shot is a little strange, why isnt he holding the blades?
Robot maps:
Owl Maps: