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The 3DMod Lab

I've been meaning to get this thread going for a while now. This will be my submission for the Escape challenge. In the world of computers, there exists a horrifying laboratory in which individuals are imprisoned and subjected to terrible, inhuman experiments. This is the 3D Modeling Laboratory - a land where, for unknown reasons, test subjects have their body parts rearranged, their faces unwrapped from their skulls, and their skin torn dissolved away into a wireframe cage, among other atrocities.

Amidst such injustice, one hero has broken free of his cell. As the result of numerous experiments, his body is now an amalgom of various types of 3D modeling projects. The alarms have sounded and the unseen agents controlling the world have been dispatched to re-capture our hero, but in spite of the desperate situation, he finds it in himself to free some of his fellow captives...
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