I got all my stuff together for my portfolio finally. I am applying to a bunch of internships just to throw myself out there, because the worse thing that happens is I don't get one. I will still be in school next summer so I feel like next year a internship will be far more likely, but we shall see.
Any feedback is welcome, or words of wisdom for internship hunting, or if you want to offer me an internship that would be cool to
Thanks again PC!
I think EA is still accepting internships as well as a lot of smaller independent studios. Also there are some film studios that have internships I am looking at to, Laika being the main one I am gunning for.
Can't tell if passive-aggression, or honest curiosity.
But, the more work, the better, so long as it's good. Three is probably on the lower side, but it's an acceptable number. I know a lot of people who make something new, add it to their portfolio, and remove what they consider to be the "worst" thing on there. Keeps up quality, but gets rid of some variation. It's a trade off.
BARDLER: I like your portfolio. The Mountain Tomb scene is nice. The rocks are quite good. The human-made parts of it are a bit flat and boring looking, though. The spec doesn't seem to be doing much, in Mental Ray. Why'd you choose Mental Ray instead of CryEngine or UDK, which would look better and show your know-how?
The hydrant is quite nice, and so is that high-poly thing.
Also, I lolled at your "About Me!" section. Very good indeed.
I don't know much about internships or the like, but you show promise, to anyone with any sense. So, hope you find one!
When I did the Mountain Tomb scene last year I actually didn't know much about the art side of UDK so I couldn't really do anything but to render it in Mental Ray. I am working on a project right now that is completely in UDK, but it wont be done until the summer time, which would be to late for internships lol. I agree with the man made stuff not being as good, and if I had time to go back I would make them a lot higher poly to really flesh out the detail.
Thanks for the compliment though, it means a lot to hear a fellow artist say that about my work.
"Art and 3D stuff are not !thing! only things that are a part of my life"
Honest curiosity, i'm asking cause its the 2nd portfolio on this site that I've seen to have this kind of format and number of works.
Can't say i'm experienced enough to know if its good or bad.
If you're applying for internship, and go to school, it's really hard to have something like 3 characters, 1 full scene and 10 small props as much as we all would love to.
On the other hand, if you have free time, and have some parts work/experience, then 3 is pretty small indeed, but then again, I have seen studios not hire people because "Their work is too epic" yet hire people who has WIP's in their folio, so no, there isn't a standard to aim for, just be really good at what you do.
Though it's a personal decision on your part to include it or not.
I would disagree because if you don't list any employment history it makes it appear you are looking for your first job, or that you are hiding your employment history for some reason. I think you should put at least your previous two employers on your resume, but keep your responsibilities of that job down to only a few things. If I were applying to a retail job I would like like 12 different things that I did at Best Buy to show that I understand the retail environment.
No, I haven't. I have never heard of that site before. I will look into it.
I live right in San Jose so I am not far from GDC, but I cant afford to misses classes for it unfortunately.
Yea I probably should, but I needed one quick and didn't really have a ton of time to spend on it. When I get some time I will make a better looking one with some color.