Have you guys seen this stupid kickstarter.
A small indie company proposing to get the money from kickstarter to bid on the franchise. As far as i can tell they have no big game dev experience, and their suggestions to bring them to mobile platforms and use unity for all of it, even a full homeworld 3 (i don't even think its possible to make a good control scheme for it on a tablet.).
I'm sorry who are these clowns and why are people giving them money to potentially ruin my favorite game series?
Luckily i don't think they will be successful in the bid despite the kick starter almost being funded(they better not be... heads will roll otherwise). There is also a lot of talk about it being a scam, which wouldn't surprise me.
Yeah but alot of people are doing it. For example that new wing commander game. Money is money and we all want tons of it.
Yep, or better known as 'Gameloft'
OHHHHHH :poly142:
I think the reason why it is in a lot by itself is precisely because it is worth more than the tons of games that nobody cares about.
There are rumours of quite a few companies putting in bids. I only brought light to this because of the scum bag scammy nature of it.
Zero game dev experience, or even marketing experience.
Why are people being so silly? I mean i'd rather wipe my ass with the money then let them get their hands on it... They obviously have zero idea what they are doing with that kind of budget.
They'll probably just buy the IP and sit on it. QQ what happens to the money if THQ says bugger off?
edit: Lazerus beat me to it.
^ the creators need to refund, kickstarter is out of it. So if someone decides to run with the money, you'll have to track them down and sue I imagine.
Not sure about indiegogo.
"And next is homeworld 2... what? People are already paying money to anybody they can just for a chance someone will develop this IP? Let's remind potential buyers this..."
Haha nice! :thumbup:
I'm all for Homeworld coming back from the dead, but not like this. No backing from me.
I bet you guys would love to work on the game given the chance hey?
POW! Right in the kisser and the funded money is used to pay rent instead.
Or cut to a beach somewhere in the Carribean, random guy lying back on a deckchair with a drink in his hand.
"Suckers, heh heh heh..." :poly124:
Call me crazy, but when you click the banner it takes you to a series of images that appear to show the discovery of the second core on Kharak. :poly142:
EDIT: yeah, check out the first minute of the 1st Homeworld cinematic: [ame="
I doubt they have the Homeworld IP already, but that's really close. Even the planet looks like Kharak with the water areas cropped out.
Have a look at that Muzz. Its the kind of people that have so much money to spare that they pay money to "settle bets" for a 9 year old and her brothers.
Also, the mother of that kid is a millionaire, but people still give her money.
What happens if I colled money for doing something, and then, keep it for myself?
They're just asking for donations, aren't they? But I guess that would be too easy to do, so I guess there has to be something on the T.O.S.
Kickstarter does not do anything but there's nothing stopping all the backers from bringing a class action lawsuit. This is what you see prior to launching a kickstarter project.
Nothing kickstarter is responsible for, but the backers are all entitled to their end of the deal
Would be awesome if Blackbird picked it up, since most of the folks there were the key players behind it originally.
Homeworld is about as close to sacred to gamer culture as anything I can think of. It's one of the most emotionally intense and moving games I've ever played, and the imagery that experience is built on is like nothing else. I have never seen another movie or painting or photograph, much less a game, that captures the simultaneous overwhelming awe and beauty and intense empty loneliness of the vastness of the universe.
If somebody snatches it up and tosses out a turd and sullies that legacy, there will be Hell to pay. :poly118:
So they have a total of 65K+ at this point, bidding on a heritage IP? And this was all organized with a rush? And at two different starter pages?
I'm not sure how I feel about all of this...