I'm working on making a new environment piece in UDK and while my progress on it might be slow I would like to get more feedback along the way as I'm working on it.
First I have a few reference images and the blockout in MAX viewport with some very crude lighting placement. It's a bit darker than I want it to be in the final. I want this to be a modular environment as much as possible so I have been laying it out in MAX first to make sure things are lining up okay.
As a blockout it's missing a lot of details and textures of course. All of the color is being driven from vertex color so that way when I bring it into UDK I can have a more accurate representation of the final as opposed to just a gray blockout.

The tracks seem more like traditional rail tracks than those for a subway. Most of the ties were little wider than the tracks. There was often a channel between the tracks (at least in NYC) starting in the late '20s.
I like the work that you've put in so far, good models, good colors, decent lighting and composition, all good things, nice work.
I agree that the platforms seem low and things seem really close together. With levels in games you have to worry about players navigating around and right now there doesn't seem to be much room for that. Often you need to build things even wider so two players can fit past each other. Right now it looks like there isn't much room to safely navigate around and not get caught on things.