So I've been working on a project on and off again for a while and now I'm ready to get going on it again. It's a Chainsaw Katana and the thing that had be stopped for a while was modeling the teeth of the chainsaw (cause I couldn't find very good pictures of it...and I don't have one so..yea). I finally have those done and now I want to have them set up to follow the blade edges but when I try to set them up to follow the spline with pathdeformer(WSM), of course, I get deformation. I'm wondering, is there anyway to get the teeth set up relatively fast without hand placing them and without deforming them? I'm planning on using this a a big portfolio piece later on so I don't want to just make them kind of deformed etc cause I want a good quality render and such later.
One of the annoying bits for this is that the chain actually has 4 different pieces that have to be placed
I've tried using PathDeformer(WSM) and clone (external plugin), I've tried using TrainMaker and doing it twice (2 pieces per train) but neither work that well...any other ideas before I have to go and manually place a ton of things haha? I'm hoping that I can do it with a spline to be able to animate it later on.