This is Squippy, he is a Zbrush sculpt concept I am working on for a future mini-game project.
After nailing down his 3D form from 2D comic-book concepts I will be retopping him in Maya for use in a game my colleagues and I are working on.
I just joined yesterday, looking forward to awesome critiques from all of you fine artists, so I can myself become a better artist for the projects in my future

The beak is more obvious in the b/w concept drawing. Its black color also makes it harder to see; I realize most squid beaks are black or dark brown, but that's no reason to constrain squippy...
The transition from brown fur to purple skin is abrupt. You might want to have a two-tone camouflage for the tentacles incorporating both the brown and the purple.
Actually, I rather like that head arrangement (and those eyes!) for squippy... this would also let you play with one of nature's most bizarre pupils.
Thank you for the wonderful insights! I will definitely be playing with the transitional color/texture in the game model as well as trying out other beak colors. I did have a hard time making the black stick out at all. I might bring up some of the green/yellow from his collar medallion.
A couple of people have brought up the fact that he has no eyes, and while the best reason was that "you can't have a cute creature without eyes" it was a conscious design decision to withhold them. It's more important that he feels unnerving and disturbing than cute and cuddly. He is a highly efficient lab animal in our game universe, with acidic saliva, we don't want people to think they can cuddle with it hehe. But, I think it will be fun to convey his hyper-excitement and emotions through the movement of his tentacles in the game animations, he is just a stupidly happy puppy after all.
Also, those are some really interesting pupils o.o