Hey everyone, been trying to keep up with my portfolio lately, and just recently found myself in the 'looking for employment' category, so its giving me some much needed time to spruce up my
So while I have another
Cryengine scene in WIP, do not fret, I have no forgotten about it. My plan is to try some DDO texturing, and I want to line up 2 projects to be able to use DDO within the trial period.
So onto this FAT PANDA made by
Robert Simons, I was really inspired by
Tor Fricks mech done on DDO and wanted to try my hand in that technique. So here is the concept so you can all gawk at it.

And here is my progress. I have blocked out the front legs, and main body. Fleshed out the details more on the leg first. I wanted to try using crease tool for the sub D modeling, rather than the regular method ive constantly used thats add edge loops like a mad man.
But crease can give you very wonky results in some cases. To combat this, I have done a mix of edge loops and crease, and I will also take the models into Zbrush after and clean any unwanted areas, along with adding any of those extra details like seams and bolts which are much easier to sculpt.
Im having a tricky time dealing with the body right now, and it feels a bit off, this is why I call on polycount to help my brain refocus. So heres shots of the progress...

So far its been a blast just nerding out on details, and I am getting a much needed break from making Unity 3D poly/res art.
As for the technique i was mentioning with the crease tool(found under proxy>crease) it works great for working in sub d, while still working with a low poly. Any tweaks needed are just a few vert pushes away, rather than dealing with dozens of edge loops needing realignment. Here are two examples of how i crease(thicker edges in wireframe mode) on a low poly, and just sub dividing it is perfect.

This is an example of using a combination with edge loops. I was finding the larger organic shape was warping too much. And when I sub divide it, it was just adding tesselation to a warped surface. So simply adding a few edges, it tightened up the fall off of my creased edges, not straining the curvature. And when sub dividing it, i was left with a much nicer result.

But see how this piece has the ugly normal bleeding on the inside. I have to bring this into Zbrush anyways to hollow out areas for bolts and other details, so I plan to smooth that out a bit.
So if you want to see more stuff, or have any crits, id love to hear it. And I have to finish off my contract at work, but in 2 weeks time, I will be 100% folio focused so expect lots of updates on this and the cryEngine scene.
Called it quits with the high poly, began baking it down to low poly. WOW, the low poly UVs were not fun haha(was able to listen to just about the entire Springsteen discography). Right now I'm in the midst of cleaning up some artifacts in my bakes. And I threw together a quick test in cryengine to make sure every things on track and to provide a pretty picture for polycount.
Ill post some textures maybe later today once I've cleaned them up. Again, if you see anything you hate, think I screwed up on, or would like to see, I'm all ears.
I worked with Substance Designer a lot, and its node based material set ups were really nice, I guess ill have to see if dDo has anything similar where I can create my own presets and SHARE!
Anyways, here is my stuff. I threw it in Cry engine and liked the results, but then I thought, since I have all this free time without a job, maybe ill try out that ol' Marmoset all the kids are raving about now a days...again, really blown away at how easy tools are making things these days. I CAN FOCUS ON ART! rather than methods and techniques to cut corners!
So here are some screen shots...again, still up for iterations, but I need to move on for now.
Obviously with dDo in my corner, I wanted to push the grunge. Im happy with the results, but will most likely come back to it in a bit.
Looks really clean to me though, you could maybe add some...lube...to the joints of it? Get some nice grease action up in that bad boy.
Kinda like this but without all the bits in it.
Nice work!