Hi all. Whilst I work on another couple of projects I have also been looking at doing some work on a small RTS game. Here are a couple of high poly buildings that I have done for it so far. Any feedback will be welcome, and this thread filling may be a bit sporadic due to other projects but any feedback would be great.
These two are a house and factory for units. The house is pretty self explanatory, the factory has a portal at the back for units to come out of. The RTS is on a hexagon grid, so the panels underneath would actually be there.
There will be four different themes to the units, this one is a kind of steampunky/viking based design. Anyway. Here they are.

There will be more soon
I'm excited to see where this goes.
Looks great !!
Well, we are developing it for PC or tablets at the moment, we're not sure on which.
Here are a couple of ideas for the basic units with this race.
Add3r, I was worried about losing detail as it zoomed out, however as we are still not set on the camera angle or distance I wasn't concerning myself too much with that at the moment. I can always take things out, or enlarge as necessary.