my current Project, Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan from the Captain America Movie.
Some of my Refs:

I'm aiming more for the Concept Version than for the actual Film Character, relating to the Outfit.
Finished the HP today, Character and Gun, the Gun is an Winchester 1897 Trench Gun.
C&C would be much appreciated.

looks good overall.
his shoulders look sort of odd. They look pretty flat without any form going on there at all. Looks like his arm joints are located too high to me, might me mistaken though. A lot of that might come from the stiff west, but I believe some form of the trazepius should shine through that.
Also don't really dig the sleeves of his sweater. Even though the arms are stretched out I'd like to see some folds going on there, instead of a perfect line from the joint to the wrist.
Keep it up, waiting for the bake of the shotgun as well as the texturing!
Need to change that.
Thx wahtye
Prehaps you could use something like www.imgur.com?
Changed every Pic, hope you can see them now.
I've to tweak the UV on some parts.
The metal bits look too bright to me at the moment. They would probably be fairly dark in the diffuse.
I also think the mustache should be thicker.
made some progress. Posed him, played with the light, and worked on the textures.
Want to finish this on Friday, still some things to do but Im optimistic.
Character (+Hair, Grenade, Shells): 28k Tris
Winchester: 7.6k Tris