is there a reason why the ingame version of the pot is so purple in comparison to the presentation, it feels a bit to monochrome
No idea really, I think the colour temp in the model previewer can be a bit peculiar, but its something I will look at over the next few days. Thanks for stopping by!
- lopoly, uv's, texture baking, skinning, and beginning final textures
heres where i'm at so far - not 100% sure about everything, will probably revisit once i've got a few more things ticked off the "to-do" list
still left
- in mask textures, ingame LOD, animation export, Promo/Loading Screen Art...and probably a load of stuff i've forgotten
Enchanted Cauldron Courier by Pixelherder and bamber wolf
bit last minute on the presentation due to deadlines, so will hopefully polish those up a bit in the coming days
is there a reason why the ingame version of the pot is so purple in comparison to the presentation, it feels a bit to monochrome
No idea really, I think the colour temp in the model previewer can be a bit peculiar, but its something I will look at over the next few days. Thanks for stopping by!
i wasnt so sure i would myself, but somehow managed it!
will take a breather and then go back and revisit some bits - e.g. the textures over the weekend.
thank you!
been working on seeing if i can improve the diffuse texture
next, got to look at all my mask textures and see what needs improving there...(a lot probably)
Thanks Mr. Cog!
Had a look at all my new texture work in the model importer/viewer and still far too much of a purple cast for my liking...still, better than it was!