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Need texture artist for open source, bump & specular, web project

I'm working on an open source project to bring basic bump-map and specular effects to background images on the web.
Demo here. (view on iPhone for tilt functions)

But I need help from a 3D texture artist who can produce some lovely public-domain/licence-free textures for people to work with.


This illustration indicates the rough set-up; it's just a matter of providing 3 images (1920 X 1080px) of the same texture under three different lighting conditions (X-axis: 45°, 90°, 135°) Also if you're willing to provide the 3D file for others to create their own that would be awesome.

I think the following ideas would make for some nice web-textures / background images just to get the public started. The final project will be listed on https://github.com/ and all credit will be given where credit is due.

If you're keen to help or know someone who might be, please let me know!


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